Man’s Troubled Neighbor Hit Multiple Garbage Bins With His Car Every Night, So Someone Had An Ingenious Idea To Sober Him Up
by Mila Cardozo
Some people generate chaos just because they can. Well, it usually backfires.
In this case, this man’s drunk neighbor kept hitting garbage bins and damaging them until they needed to be replaced, so another neighbor had an ingenious idea that really solved the issue.
Let’s read the story.
Can’t drive thru that
Back in 2004 we had those big plastic round garbage bins in our back alley, about 6 of them down every alley in my neighborhood.
They were huge, about 4 foot tall 4 foot wide at the top.
They got emptied every Thursday around 8 in the morning.
I lived half a block down the alley from the local bar and every few weeks I’d go out in the morning to see all the bins knocked down.
This is very annoying, and so was the culprit.
Some drunk idiot was driving his beater home around the time the bar closed at 2 am. I figured he was hitting them on purpose just for laughs.
Once winter came, the plastic got more brittle and every bin that was hit got cracked and/or destroyed.
This was a serious issue, but the root of the problem hadn’t been addressed.
The city never did anything other than just replace the bins.
The thing is, it would take a few weeks and it was irritating to have to pick them up all the time or use a farther away bin cause the nearby one was toast.
One day, someone had an idea.
So this continued for months and winter gets cold here in Canada. We had a solid week of -40.
One Saturday night I saw red and blue lights flashing through my curtains, walked out to see a completely totaled mid 80s Buick wrapped around a bin.
One of my neighbors decided to fill the bin with water.
Nature took care of it.
The water froze into a solid block of ice.
I don’t know for sure which neighbor did it but they are absolute heroes in my mind.
The problem was properly solved.
Guy got arrested so I assume he was charged with drunk driving at the least.
The tow truck took away what was left of the car but the bin stayed there for a couple of months as a monument to stupidity filled with ice because it was too heavy to move and also wasn’t in the least bit damaged by the collision.
He equipped the garbage bin to fight for itself.
Let’s see what Reddit has to say about this.
Oh my.
You can’t blame winter.
Classic dad humor.
I agree.
Some people only learn the hard way!
Garbage Bin 1, Man 0.
If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.

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