When A Couple Adopts Two Puppies, One Of The Partners Ends Up Doing Most Of The Work. Now The Other Partner Is Pushing To Have A Baby.
by Jayne Elliott
Puppies may look cute, but they are a lot of work. Are they more work than having a baby?
In today’s story, one couple that has recently adopted puppies is also thinking about having a baby, but one partner thinks the other partner doesn’t understand how much work that means.
Let’s see how the story unfolds.
WIBTA if I point out that a baby is 100 times more work than puppies?
So basically the title, we got puppies I love them but they are alot. Very busy bees and it’s been a minute since I’ve done the puppy thing and never two together its been an adjustment.
We discussed before hand and I had very specific conditions, namely regular walks and we had to commit to training so they’d be well adjusted and we could travel with them easily.
My partner was very on board so we adopted towards the end of last year and started puppy classes within a week.
The partner didn’t really like the course.
Our initial puppy coarse was 6 weeks long and by week 4 they were miffed about going and “sacrificing” their Saturday mornings.
By the last week they were glad it was “finally” over.
I took over doing the homework with both pups by week 4 because it irritated them.
OP does all the training.
The pups weren’t picking things up fast enough for them so I thought it would be better for the pups for me to take over.
They did 1 walk and complained because the puppy was weaving around and not walking at heel properly so I’ve taken over those as well.
We have started basically obedience now and I’m training both.
Now the partner wants a baby.
There are alot of other examples should anyone want more info but essentially partner is now broody and wants a baby.
WIBTA if I pointed out they couldn’t make it through a 6 week puppy class coarse how on earth would they manage a baby?
While a baby may be more work than a puppy, it’s like comparing apples to oranges. I don’t think not wanting to commit to training a puppy means the partner wouldn’t be a good parent, if that’s what OP is implying.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story.
This reader suggests breaking up.
A preschool teacher weighs in…
Another person believes OP is correct.
It only gets worse when they hit the terrible twos!
This reader thinks the partner is not trustworthy.
It sounds like the partner is clueless about puppies and babies.
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