February 4, 2025 at 4:22 pm

Woman Cares For Hospitalized Mom Day And Night And Sleeps In The Chair By Her Bedside, But Now Her Mom Is Telling Her Aunts She Was Selfish And Entitled For Asking For Somewhere To Sleep

by Kyra Piperides

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/Pixabay

When a loved one is in hospital, it can be a tough time for everyone.

You just want them to get better, and if you can be at their bedside night and day, you will do just that.

But what about when your own life – your own sleep and wellbeing – is being impacted?

That’s exactly what happened to the young woman in this story, who was left to sleep sitting up in her mom’s hospital room, and then criticized for looking for alternative options.

Read on to find out exactly what happened here.

AITA for getting my mom a hospital room upgrade for my comfort?

I am 21 and a university student.

Recently my mother, who is 60, was admitted to the hospital for an infection that caused her to be very ill, to the extent that she needed assistance just to get out of bed.

I love her very much and couldn’t bear to see her like that, so I stayed with her during her time at the hospital since my Dad had to go to work during the day and needed a good sleep at night.

Read on to find out how this situation turned sour.

My father visited to bring me food and a change of clothes once a day.

My mom has insurance, but it only covered the very basics and got her a shared ward with three other patients.

Her bed was the farthest from the shared bathroom, and she would only tell me she had to go when she couldn’t hold it in.

As a result, she ended up leaving a trail to the bathroom which I cleaned up, then cleaned the bathroom and washed her soiled clothes.

I got to rest on a single seating couch, but after two nights of bad sleep and me having to go through online classes with headaches, I asked my Dad if we could upgrade my mom to a single room with a lounge that I could sleep horizontally on.

Let’s find out how this young woman’s father responded to her request.

The new room cost a lot more per night, and insurance wouldn’t cover the cost. However my dad said that he would pay for it, no worries.

When we changed rooms, my mom was a bit ticked off because now we had to pay more. However, Dad was paying, not her, and he was fine with it.

Now, thankfully she’s well and at home.

Read on to find out how this girl’s kind deeds got turned against her.

Our relatives were visiting recently, and when I went to make us something to eat I heard her tell them about her experience in the hospital.

She got annoyed that “I” had asked for an upgrade because I was uncomfortable with the basic ward.

Basically, she painted me as this spoilt brat that couldn’t stand staying in the “poor people” ward.

I have a problem with standing up for myself, so I just served them food while trying to hold back tears.

I was so embarrassed.

I worry that my judgment was poor, and I wrong to do that.


We’re not all lucky enough to live in countries with top standard healthcare, so when a loved one is suffering it’s understandable that she would want to step in.

But the conditions that she was having to support her mom in just weren’t good enough.

Let’s see what folks over on Reddit thought about this.

Some commenters urged the woman to stand up to her mom.

Source: Reddit/AITA

And others shared practical advice.

Source: Reddit/AITA

While this person explained what could have been going on in the mom’s mind.

Source: Reddit/AITA

She shouldn’t take her daughter’s help for granted: it’s clear that she went above and beyond here.

She doesn’t deserve to be put down like that.

If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.