Woman Does A Lot To Make Like Easier For Her Younger Brother And His Pregnant Girlfriend, But All The Girlfriend Does Is Complain
by Jayne Elliott
What would you do if someone you cared about didn’t appreciate it when you tried to help them? Would you stop helping, or would you help them anyway?
In today’s story, the unappreciative person is a pregnant woman whose boyfriend’s family has been helping a lot. Now, one of those family members wants to stop helping.
Let’s see why she doesn’t want to help anymore.
WIBTA if I quit helping my brother and his gf, after saying I’d help?
Would I be wrong for not helping my brother and his gf after saying I’d help?
Both are 19, I’m 23f, my brothers girlfriend is 6 months pregnant.
When I had first found out she was pregnant, I told them I’d help them get on their feet, along with my family, since they are young and starting out in life.
She has helped the brother and girlfriend a LOT.
I have completely stopped helping them, because anytime she doesn’t get her way, she yells, screams, cusses and calls names.
Her favorite thing to say is we aren’t allowed to see her baby since we don’t do anything to help her.
I have taken them to apps, I have taken them to 9pm cravings in a town 30 mins away, I have taken her to the er over a nonemergency issue, where I didn’t get home till 4am and had to be back up at 6am for work, I have offered them my daughters newborn stuff, crib, clothes, bath, wipe warmer, bottle warmer, bouncy seats, baby swings, etc.
I have taken them to her hometown 4 hrs away, on my birthday and had to cancel my plans already made cuz she got pissed off.
Other family members also help a lot.
My dad has taken them to multiple apps as well, bought baby stuff for them, given them money, bought fast food for her when the baby craves it.
My grama and uncle, who they live with, allow them to live there, rent free, bill free, has found them a free trailer to move into.
They don’t help out with cleaning, with groceries or nothing.
She doesn’t want to help anymore.
So I have gotten sick of the threats, of the yelling and screaming.
I’m tired of her threatening to leave my brother and take the baby away as well when she doesn’t get her way.
So would I be the jerk if I stopped helping them completely after saying I’d help?
The big sister in me is so torn, but I’m completely worn out. Typing this out, feels like I have my answer but I need some unbiased opinions.
That girlfriend sounds very entitled. She has no idea how good she has it with so many people helping her. If she doesn’t start acting grateful, she’s going to get hit with a hard dose of reality.
Let’s see how Reddit responded to this story.
The girlfriend might have PPD.
This person would stop helping.
Another person thinks it might be time for the brother to leave her.
The help needs to stop now, or it will never stop.
It’s hard to want to help someone who is so ungrateful.
If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.

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