Woman Saw Her Boyfriend’s Instagram Post Of Another Woman Doing A TikTok Dance, So She Told Him It Was Kinda Creepy
by Heide Lazaro
How would you feel if you found out that your partner has been secretly filming another person from afar?
Would it make you uncomfortable? Or would it not be a big deal for you?
This woman saw her boyfriend’s Instagram story and thought it was pretty creepy.
She felt uneasy and told him her honest opinion.
Read the story below for all the details.
AITA for telling my boyfriend his IG post could be seen as creepy?
I (33F) have been dating my BF (40M) for about three months.
Recently, our city’s football team won a big game.
We had a great time celebrating with friends at a bar, and we were generally very happy about the win!
This woman watched his boyfriend’s Instagram stories.
Later that night, I opened up IG and saw my BF had posted a story.
The first story was nothing big, but then I clicked to the second story.
It was a video through his front house window of a woman in the opposing team’s jacket before the game.
She was doing a TikTok dance, saying “before the game.”
And then the next story was all of us screaming and cheering at the bar. It was when our team won, saying “after the game.”
She felt uncomfortable with the whole thing.
I understand the “idea” behind what he was doing.
I know he personally isn’t creepy or was trying to be weird, but watching the video of the girl made me feel so creepy and weird.
I was really uncomfortable that he filmed someone through his window.
It didn’t sit right.
She told him her honest opinion.
So, I called him.
I said, “Hey, so just wanted to let you know that video could be seen as creepy. Imagine if someone recorded me through a window.”
He said, “Ummm, okay,” and then not much else.
We hung up and he didn’t say anything to me the rest of the night.
He texted her that he was upset.
He texted me this morning, saying he was upset.
I’m not sure how to feel in this situation.
The video made me super uncomfortable, but I do know he didn’t mean it from a creepy place because he really isn’t “that guy.”
So, I don’t know. AITA in this situation?
That does sound creepy.
Let’s check out what others have to say about this on Reddit.
This person doesn’t agree with filming other people, too.
This user shares a positive remark.
This is illegal, says this person.
Here’s a different point of view.
Finally, this person thinks the BF’s reaction was weird.
Every person has a right to their privacy.
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