Woman’s New Co-Worker Made Demeaning Remarks Towards Her, So She Locked His System Access Until His Manager Apologized
by Heide Lazaro
When starting at a new company, one must be on their best behaviour.
This woman encountered a new hire who was being a jerk, so she locked his system access. She didn’t make it easy for him to regain access.
Read below for the full story.
Don’t mess with who controls system access!
At my last job (I left to have a baby), I was in middle management.
I controlled everyone’s system and email access.
This is throughout the entire company.
This woman was called an idiot by a new hire.
We had a new hire that was being a jerk during the onboarding process.
And at one point, he called me an idiot via email.
So I locked his system access.
So, she locked his access unless his manager apologized to her.
I told him the only way he could get it back is if his manager called me. His manager needed to convince me to give it back to him.
I didn’t include the manager on the email because I wanted him to have to go to his manager and explain what happened.
His manager called and apologized on his behalf.
The next day, I got a very apologetic call from his manager.
We both had a good laugh over it and I unlocked the guy’s access.
Never had a problem with him again!
That seemed to be very effective revenge! Let’s read the reactions of other users to this story on Reddit.
This user shares a valid point.
While this person suggests another petty idea.
This person lives by her mom’s wise words.
Aim for professionalism, says this person.
Finally, another great opinion from this user.
Never mess with those who control your access, sign your paychecks, and approve your days off.
If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.

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