High School Senior Refuses To Attend His High School Graduation, But His Family And Friends Keep Pushing Him To Celebrate His Graduation One Way Or Another
by Sarrah Murtaza
Sometimes letting people be a part of your successes and happiness can be really wholesome and therapeutic.
However, this young man doesn’t want people to celebrate his graduation. High school was hard for him, and he simply wants to be done with it, not celebrate it.
Yet, everyone in his life seems to be pushing him to celebrate.
Check out the full story.
AITA for refusing to walk at graduation, attend my graduation party, or go on a graduation trip?
I(18M) am a high school senior.
To say that high school has been rough for me would be an understatement.
It’s been extremely stressful with my hardest classes being required to graduate.
Things had always been rough…
It was so stressful that I decided that a stupid piece of paper with my name on it is not worth all this stress. As a result, I have decided to not acknowledge my graduation in any way, shape, or form.
I do not want to walk at graduation.
Both my parents and my older sister(22F) are frustrated with me and we’ve gotten into numerous arguments about it.
The way I see it, it’s my graduation and I can go/not go as I see fit.
He did not want to be a part of it…
Last September, when it was time for seniors to buy their caps and gowns, my mom gave me some money to buy it.
When they weren’t looking, I snuck the money back into her purse.
This week is the time for seniors who are not walking to confirm that they are not. So, I plan to do that.
I also don’t want a graduation party.
This has somehow ticked off my parents more then me not walking since my mom went all out with my older sister’s graduation party and she was really looking forward to doing that again.
Things got worse!
We’ve had a few arguments about that but I eventually said that, if they throw me a graduation party, I will not attend and all gifts will be returned.
They tried to “compromise” by saying that they’ll just take me out to a nice dinner but I’ve turned that down to because It would still be celebrating my graduation.
My parents planned to gift both me and my older sister a graduation trip to any place we choose.
I have forfeited the trip but they are refusing to take a hint.
His sister isn’t on his side either.
They’ve asked me on numerous occasions where I want to go and I keep telling them that I forfeit.
You’d think that they would be happy that they don’t have the spend a whole bunch of cash on an expensive holiday but I guess not.
As you can imagine, no one is on my side.
My older sister has been urging me to reconsider and saying that, if I don’t make the most out of my graduation, I’ll regret it for the rest of my life.
Even his best friend has turned against him.
My grandparents have called me a brat and said that, even if I do change my mind, they won’t give me anything for my graduation after how I’ve been acting.
My best friend has been pleading with me to reconsider but I shut that down by saying that I won’t go to his graduation party if he brings it up again.
I’m not exactly sure why he’s so against every single thing his parents want to do to celebrate this big accomplishment. Surely he could at least be willing to go on vacation or get a few gifts!
Let’s find out what folks on Reddit think about this one.
This user blames him for not wanting to celebrate success that came after hardships.
This user has some important questions for him
This user wants him to make sure attending graduation isn’t a requirement of graduating.
This user thinks people are being insensitive to his feelings.
This user doesn’t blame him at all!
He needs to stop taking his bitterness towards school out on his family!
If you liked that story, read this one about grandparents who set up a college fund for their grandkid because his parents won’t, but then his parents want to use the money to cover sibling’s medical expenses.

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