March 15, 2025 at 9:22 am

Twenty-Something Vegetarian Left A Toxic Family Behind, But Moved In With An Even More Toxic And Entitled Carnivores

by Chelsea Mize

meat counter at grocery store


Splitting expenses with roommates can get dicey, so most people do their best to hold onto the good ones.

But in this story, one roommate got annoyed because the other bought too much vegetarian food, and she’s not sure it’s worth playing nice anymore.

Let’s get to the meat of this story…

AITA for not getting “real food” and causing my friend’s husband to sell his stuff?

I’m 20, my friend is 24m, I do not know my friend’s husbands(fh) age… for context we are all living together.

I am living with them because of a toxic family.

My friend is helping me learn to fully take care of myself as well as help me learn not everything is my fault.

There’s bound to be some growing pains in this kind of situation.

We are getting low on food.

My fh was complaining on Friday about there not being any food besides mac and cheese and potatoes.

My friend brought up to him that he was only buying his work lunches and eating whatever their dad brought into the house that was actually meant for them because he had not been helping with groceries.

He claimed he didn’t make enough to buy food (he makes 400ish a week).

I recommended the food bank since it was the second Tuesday of every month.

He said he didn’t want to eat that.

Me and my friend tried recommending food stamps but he shut that down.

My friend can’t file without him and I have no idea how to file.

This roommate clearly never heard that beggars can’t be choosers.

I gave up on talking to him and used my whole paycheck on stocking the house with as much food as I could instead of saving like I was supposed to be.

I even cut down on the quality of dog food I was grabbing so I could buy more food.

My friend’s dad picked me up from the store and we brought the food home and I had a good amount of food and drinks to last a while.

He got upset when he saw the food and complained about how I didn’t get any “real food.”

Define “real food,” my man.

I’m mostly vegetarian and my friend has eating issues related to textures, so I bought all safe foods and no real meat because meat was frankly way too expensive.

I brought this up, but he said I was being selfish and should have bought the meat anyway and cut out some of my stuff.

He wouldn’t listen when I explained that I looked at the meat and there was no way I could get meat and provide for everyone with the money I had.

Meat costs dough, that’s for sure.

I only had 250 to get food for 2 weeks AND food for the animals.

I hadn’t planned on spending the whole 250.

I had originally planned on 100 on groceries and 70 on the dogs so I would have enough to fix some of them.

I didn’t have enough to cater to everyone but I did what I could.

He’s making me feel like a jerk.

He sold 2 of his consoles and got himself more food but keeps pouting about how little he could buy with what he got and the fact he has only has 1 console left.

I feel bad for him having to sell his stuff to get meat.

He definitely didn’t have to do that.

My friend is mad at their husband, telling him to be grateful.

But my brain is saying I messed up again.

I feel like a bad person with how he’s acting.

Adding to this: I don’t care if you eat meat!

I just feel sick after eating a lot of it, so I gave up and went on a mostly veg diet.

I do not care that he eats meat I just care about the fact he threw a fit and acted like I did something wrong by not buying the meat when I hadn’t even planned to spend that much.

Sounds the friend is on the right side of history.

I am not asking for money.

I have a job I am happy with I don’t make a lot of money but I make enough to take care of mine and my friend’s pups and enough where I can eat and afford my share of the bills.

It’s a dog eat dog world out there, even if you don’t eat meat.

What do the comments think?

One person says, you’re in debt to no one.

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Someone else has food stamp advice.

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Yet another user offers some sage food stamp tips…

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Somebody else says vegetables won’t kill you.

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Yet another person points out, she is not putting themselves first.

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Moral of the story: eat your vegetables!

Especially when it’s all you have.

If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.