When This Future Mom Chose Her Birthing Partners, She Didn’t Know How Much Trouble It Would Cause. Now Her Own Mom Is Kicking Up A Fuss.
by Kyra Piperides

Childbirth – whether it’s your first time or your fifth – can be an anxiety-inducing experience.
Not only is your wellbeing on the line, but your newborn’s too. And let’s not forget a whole lot of pain coming your way.
So when it comes to choosing who is in the room with you, of course you want to pick someone you can trust.
The kind of person who will support you and stay calm during this emotionally and physically tumultuous experience.
And the woman in this story has chosen her birthing partners.
That is, until her mom gets involved.
Read on to find out how the future grandma is stressing the woman out as she prepares to birth her child.
WIBTA if I didn’t let my mom in the delivery room with me?
I am pregnant with my third and hopefully last child.
My mother has been very very standoffish about this pregnancy.
She has not shown even the slightest bit of interest in the pregnancy, until last month.
I’m 6 months along now, and have known since five weeks.
All of a sudden she wants to know what I’m having and what I’m naming them and this that and the other.
Let’s see how she reacted to her mom’s sudden interest.
Because of her being the way she was I didn’t really want her in the delivery room with me.
Why have someone there that doesn’t care, right?
My plan was to have my child’s father and my best friend (she’s also my medical POA in case I end up in a situation I can’t make decisions).
But now my mom wants to be there.
I honestly think it’s because she was for my other two, and she just doesn’t want to be left out of something like that this time.
Read on to find out what lies behind her reluctance to have her mom at her side.
I’m honestly not sure if I want her there at this point.
We’ve had a really strained relationship since I left my ex (she wasn’t happy I left him even though he was mentally abusive) and I just don’t think I need those vibes while trying to push out a whole child.
And I know if I don’t let her then she’s just going to be mad at me and probably not even want anything to do with her grandchild for a while just because I didn’t let her be there.
Firstly, no one has a right to dictate who will be in the delivery room except for the mom herself.
And the way her own mom is treating her sounds reminiscent of the ex she already left.
It’s no wonder that it’s her best friend who has power of attorney – it sounds like she’s the only person this poor woman can trust.
Let’s see what folks on Reddit made of this.
This woman agreed that she had no obligation to invite her mom.
And this Redditor’s message was clear: sure there might be consequences, but go with what you want.
While others questioned the grandmother’s motivations.
The answer here is clear: her baby, her delivery, her choice.
The grandmother has no more right to be there than anyone (besides, perhaps, the baby’s other parent) and the grandmother would probably be more helpful in other ways – like looking after the woman’s other two kids.
Her behavior is absolutely unacceptable.
The poor woman shouldn’t be in this situation.
If you liked that story, read this one about grandparents who set up a college fund for their grandkid because his parents won’t, but then his parents want to use the money to cover sibling’s medical expenses.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, bad parent, birth, birthing partner, childbirth, delivery room, future mom, grandmother, newborn, parenthood, picture, reddit, stories, top

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