July 19, 2024 at 9:31 pm

Family Members Asked Her to Cook Meals For Her Father-In-Law, But She Won’t Do It Because He’s Completely Ungrateful

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: Reddit/Pexels

This kind of stuff drives me insane.

People who act like they can’t do things that they’re perfectly capable of doing just because they want someone else to do it for them.

The term for this is “weaponized incompetence” and the more you look for it, the more you’ll see it everywhere!

And the woman who wrote this story wasn’t about to deal with this situation!

Check out what she had to say…

AITA for not cooking and cleaning for my FIL?

“My FIL Paul has never cooked, cleaned, or done anything for himself.

When his wife, who he married as a teen, passed away, he became helpless.

It has been six months, and my other two SILs make him every meal and bring it to him.

My husband and his father have a rocky relationship due to many things, but they were never close, so I was never close to Paul.

This guy sounds like a nightmare.

My SIL and his older daughter Lizzy have asked me to help with meal prep for her father because it has added stress to everyone.

He has become ungrateful and complains about the food they offer or not helping him clean his house often enough.

The situation has stressed my husband, who called his father pathetic for yelling at him for not having us help out more.

Lizzy called me again, saying she is going on vacation and desperately needs me to help with the meal train for her father while she is gone.

I told her to buy him a cookbook and show him how to turn on the stove.

Uh oh…

Lizzy called me a *****, saying Paul is a traditionalist and has never cooked for himself.

I told Lizzy this would be an excellent time for Paul to learn to be a big boy. My husband took the phone from my hand and hung up on his sister.

Lizzy took to Facebook (another family member showed me this) and complained about how awful some people treated their elders.

She enlisted a church group to make Paul dinners and help him clean while Lizzy and her family vacation.

My husband and I think his father is ridiculous because, besides being in his 70s, Paul is not disabled in any way.”

Let’s see how people reacted to this story.

This reader said she’s NTA.

Source: Reddit

Another person agreed.

Source: Reddit

This individual spoke up.

Source: Reddit

Another Reddit user shared their thoughts.

Source: Reddit

And this person chimed in.

Source: Reddit

It sounds like this guy needs to take some cooking classes.

If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.