Groom Wants To Display A Picture Of His Late Mother At His Wedding, But That’s Making His Family Really Upset
by Jayne Elliott
In today’s story, a bride and groom want to display pictures of their late mothers at their wedding. Unfortunately, that beautiful idea is causing a lot of family drama for the groom.
Let’s see why the groom’s family is upset…
AITA for not agreeing to display a photo of my stepmother’s late husband and child at my wedding?
My fiancée (28f) and I (29m) are getting married in a couple of months.
We both lost our moms.
While my fiancée was raised by her grandparents, I was raised by dad and later my stepmother, his second wife.
So while my fiancée has no drama about wanting to display a photo of her late mom. There is some about me displaying my mom.
Not everyone in his family understands.
My siblings get why I want to do it. But my stepmother and stepsiblings do not.
They feel her late husband/their late dad and their late child/sibling should also get photos displayed since they are also immediate family.
But they’re not my family, immediate or otherwise. Both of them had passed before my dad met his wife.
Here’s everyone’s point of view…
My stepmother feels insecure that I don’t just want to have photos of late family but of just my mom.
She feels like it’s a dig at her because I also don’t call her my mom and I’m not close to her.
My dad just wants his wife and stepkids happy.
Stepkids feel like I should embrace “all parts of the family but here and not here” and they said if they did the photo thing, they’d include my mom with their dad.
He’s not backing down.
I made my stance clear and my answer was no.
Which only brought more of the “we’re either a family or we’re not”.
My siblings stayed by my side and one of them was like well we’re not an actual family so it’s whatever, which only added fuel to the fire.
He’s being pressured even more into backing down.
I was then told I need to do this to restore family harmony and I should want to do this for my family.
I told them I don’t want to do this for them and I won’t. They said it should be all three photos or none at all.
Weddings are stressful enough. It’s too bad OP’s family won’t let him make decisions about what he wants on his and his bride’s day.
Let’s see how Reddit readers responded.
This person agrees that OP should get to make the decisions since it’s his wedding.
Insert sarcastic suggestion here…
This person offered a suggestion…
Another person agrees with OP.
The groom’s family should back off. It’s not their wedding after all.
If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, groom, marriage, picture, reddit, stepmother, top, wedding, wedding drama

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