September 1, 2024 at 6:24 pm

He Sold His Apartment For Much More Than He Paid For It, But His Ex-Wife Wants Half Of The Money. So He Refuses To Give Her Anything.

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: Reddit

Show me the money!

That’s what I imagine this fella’s ex-wife saying about the situation regarding the sale of the place they used to call home.

But he’s not having it, folks!

Is he acting like a jerk?

Let’s see what’s going on here…

AITA for not giving my ex anything from the sale of the apartment?

“I 36M bought my apartment 15 years ago, in 2009, as it was my obsession to have my own home.

That means I went to work after trade school and put away half of my monthly salary in a savings account, it was only possible by still living with my parents and their support (the fact that they let me live at home rent-free) for those 2 years and commuting to work every day, which was a 1-hour train ride to the capital city.

I managed to collect enough for a 20% down payment for a home loan, it was a 2-bedroom apartment in the city, that needed to be renovated in an old Soviet style building (I live in Estonia).

In 2009, prices were low, as the economic collapse was not long ago.

They put in a ton of work on the place.

In the last 15 years, I and my girlfriend (now ex-wife) renovated the whole apartment room by room over the years, the apartment building itself got renovated and looks great, also a new business park was built near the apartment in our district and all of it raised the prices of apartments so much, that when I sold it I got 5,5x more for it than the purchase price.

We also got married.

Things took a turn for the worse…

Last summer my ex suddenly had all the red flags:

She started to carry her phone everywhere like it was a baby, she locked the screen every time I entered a room, she was distant and the list goes on…

I confronted her and at first, she claimed that “he is just a friend who understands me”, the classics – but of course, it led straight to divorce, as I was suddenly “controlling and jealous”.

After the whole drama ended I decided to move back to my childhood town, as with the help of COVID-19 a few years ago, home office was suddenly a thing and I never worked in the office anyway anymore, so there was no need to live in the city and for a price of an apartment in the city I got a house in the small town that has everything I need.

She had a request…

When she found out that I was selling the apartment she sent me her account number and told me to pay the 50% I get to that account.

I told her no, she assumed she would get it because we were married.

Later she demanded it because she helped me renovate it and did most cooking etc.

I admit, that is true, she is very good at changing wallpapers and painting, she also cooks well, but I bought all the materials for renovating, I bought all the furniture.

Told her that she could consider all her efforts as rent, but she got really mad.

Is he wrong?

I have lived now in my new house for a week and she still annoys me, even some of our mutual friends agree with her that I am being a jerk for not giving her some money for that apartment.

I achieved my dream of loan free life, I am considering blocking everyone who keeps annoying me about it.

I heard from a mutual friend that she even wanted to sue me, but the lawyer she talked to recommended to not, as in the situation where she has no bills to even prove she ever contributed anything, she would waste money and lose.

AITA for not giving my ex anything?”

Reddit users reacted to the story.

One person shared their thoughts.

Source: Reddit

Another individual said he’s NTA.

Source: Reddit

This reader chimed in.

Source: Reddit

Another person had a lot to say.

Source: Reddit

And this Reddit user shared their thoughts.

Source: Reddit

It’s a story as old as time itself…

Fightin’ over money!

If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.