September 6, 2024 at 8:36 am

A Cruel First Grade Teacher Bullied A Student For No Reason, So His Mother Made Sure That She Would Never Teach Again

by Sarrah Murtaza

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge/Pexels/ Yan Krukau

Some people are straight out of the devil’s workshop!

This evil teacher ruined this boy’s childhood, but his mother came in to save the day!

Check out how this mother made sure the cruel teacher would never see a classroom again!

A cruel teacher meets a patient, motivated and relentless mom.

I went to first grade in the early 80’s at a small school that was affiliated with the church we attended, the one my parents were married in (this is is relevant).

This was in a smallish city in the Pacific Northwest. Kindergarten was delightful and I loved my teacher, who was kind and loving to all the kids.

This is where it begins…

First grade, however, was a nightmare. Teacher, we’ll call “Mrs Hagner”, was a probably late twenties scarecrow of a woman, and was one of the cruelest human beings I ever met.

I was just a happy go-lucky little kid and my best pal was a sweet girl whose parents were friends with my parents.

We were just excited to go to big-kid school. Mrs. Hagner, for some reason I couldn’t figure out, never warmed to us.

She was super sweet to the other kids, but was always curt, and very quickly, cruel to the two of us.

Things got so BAD!

Some memories that stick out to me: she started to refer to us as “the bad kids” to the other kids in class.

I know that I was well behaved, even more so than the other kids, but it didn’t matter.

By mid year, the other kids knew us as “bad” and would happily make up all kinds of bad behaviors to report to her, that we swore, used the lord’s name in vain, stole things, etc.

Nothing of the sort ever happened (I was terrified of her and at that point barely spoke at all, because her responses were always cruel).

She lavished them with hugs and praise for this, so it of course got worse.

Every day at “play time” she would instruct the class that we were NOT allowed to play, because we were “bad kids”.

She had her favorites for a reason!

We were always forced to stand outside of the group without speaking.

The son of the principal was her favorite. She deputized him as the good kid who would speak for me if I needed to go to the bathroom, etc. it was endless.

One particularly cruel memory was when she put me in a garbage can and made me stand there as she directed the class to put their lunch garbage in it, punishment for “fidgeting” in chapel.

I remember always sitting as still as my little body would allow, but I probably scratched my nose or something, I was six!

I remember crying as I stood there, my feet soaked in milk, apple sauce, juice… when my mom asked about my shoes being ruined, I told the truth…and Mrs Hagner lied.

She was physically and emotionally abusive!

Said I climbed into the garbage. My little friend was once called “white trash” by Mrs. Hagner, when she asked to go potty, and cried as she ended up wetting her pants.

I remember this vividly.

Most days I was forbidden to speak, move, or ask for anything. To do so would incur verbal abuse and more punishment.

The other kids were forbidden to speak to me or even acknowledge that I was there.

I didn’t understand it, I was just a little guy, and I wanted so badly for my teacher to like me.

Man, was only a six-year old kid. I didn’t know why she loved all the other kids, but always was cruel to me.


I started to cry after school, and became withdrawn. (Shit, ten years later a kid in that class said to me in when we were in high school that he remembered how I was the “bad kid”, and all the punishment I got daily, but couldn’t remember what I ever did).

After speaking with their friends (who’s daughter was my friend) and comparing notes, my parents put two and two together, and finally realized what we were enduring and enrolled me in public school where I thrived.

Mom was the HERO!

My dad, who didn’t understand or want controversy in his church (he later angrily regretted this and wished he had done more) thought that was the end of it.

Mom had other plans.

At the time my mom was still learning English, but she knew something was terribly wrong.

Wrong with the school, wrong with Mrs. Hagner.

When my parents were married, a group of women in the church objected to the pastor marrying them because she was Mexican and my Dad was white.

Yup, it was that kind of “church” in that kind of town.

The pastor told them to pound sand. Mrs Hagner was one of those ladies.

My little friend’s parents were fine people, working-poor, but I think were seen as from “the wrong side of the tracks” and weren’t really seen as the “right type”(this was what my mom recalled) .

She fought like a warrior against the monster!

So, within three years my mom perfected her English, and got a degree in education. All while raising us and working her days off.

She got a job as a teacher. Then she got her masters degree. She taught in my school district for 30 years.

She was a beloved, respected, and effective educator.

Once a few years ago I mentioned that school and that it had shuttered a few years after I left. I also said I remembered how mean Mrs. Hagner was.

My mother, the kindest, sweetest, most loving little lady in the world looked at me and calmly told me this:

“That woman was evil. What she did to you and that little girl was wrong. When that woman tried to apply to the public schools, I told them what she did to you. For years. Every time. Every year. For twenty-five years I stopped every administration in every school from hiring her. She hurt little kids. She hurt you! Why?! You were just a little boy! (My Friend) was just a little girl! You don’t do that to any little kid. So, I ruined her.”

The cruel lady lost her job forever!

To my knowledge, Mrs Hagner never saw the inside of a classroom as a teacher again.

My sweet little mother, (now the most loving retired grandma in the world to my kids) spent almost three decades coldly, relentlessly, and with great patience wrecking any chance that monster had to ever teach again.

Mom, you are a treasure.

His mom did everything she could to avenge the trauma of her son!

Let’s find out what the Reddit community thinks about this story.

This person hates the kind of woman this teacher was.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This person knows how Karma works!

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This person loves the mother!

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This person shares what happened to their brother.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This person wanted to make sure their teacher was gone!

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

I can’t believe people would act like this towards children. Get a new career!

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