October 9, 2024 at 8:22 am

Neighbor Wouldn’t Stop Filing Noise Complaints, So They Enlisted A Friend With A Semi-Truck To Really Make Some Noise

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

One thing I’ve learned in my time on this planet: be nice to your neighbors!

It makes the world operate more smoothly and you’ll feel better at the end of every day!

Just trust me on this one, okay?

And check out this story about a bad neighbor from Reddit.

She moved out the next week.

“This all happened about 15 years ago, give or take, when I was still a kid living at home.

We had a house with a huge backyard in the suburbs, and the neighboring property next to our driveway was a set of three attached rental flats, each with their front door facing our house.

We were usually good friends with most of our neighbors, the flats next door included.

They got a new neighbor.

After the family in the middle flat left, an older single woman moved in. She was home more often than not so I doubt she had a job, and wasn’t particularly friendly.

She kept to herself, which is fine, and never really acknowledged any of the neighbors. Whatever, that’s cool.

So one Saturday around midday, I was out back with the lawnmower earning myself some pocket money.

Big yard, so about 20 minutes in I was about halfway done, and suddenly a noise control officer knocks on the door.


Tells us to hurry it up, they’d received a complaint, and though they thought it ridiculous they had to say something.

Bit stupid but whatever.

Now we weren’t a loud family, not at all. No parties, screaming, anything like that.

Over the next month we kept getting visits from noise control, always during the day mind you.

We would get visits for mowing the lawns, and even had a couple of complaints about my younger sister and I playing and hanging out in the backyard on weekends, or in the afternoon after school.

What’s the big deal?

Again, we weren’t all that loud. At the time I would have been about 13, so more often than not the boy next door and I would just be chilling on the swings just talking.

Not loud, just being outside.

Now, we’d never had an issue with noise. None of our other neighbors ever had a problem, we’d never had noise control called before now.

So we asked around. It was fairly obvious at this point that the snobby cow that had moved into the flat next door was doing all the complaining.

My father would always stock up in firewood in the summer to prepare for winter, and would have to chop it up himself.

It’s the first weekend of chopping for the year and it’s about 2 pm on a Saturday.

Here we go again…

He pulls out his old chainsaw, and it’s on for about a minute and a half at most before he realizes the chain needs to be replaced.

Turns it off, grabs the axe and proceeds to chop wood the long way. Next thing we know, noise control shows up.

The officers are sick of having to visit at this point, and were pretty friendly with Dad by now.

Turns out that yes, it was the new neighbor next door.

It also turned out that she’d been an issue for them for a while and that noise control was well aware of her stupid complaints, from all of her previous addresses.

Unfortunately they were legally obligated to follow through with them.

Next weekend, surprise surprise, we get a visit after dad’s been chopping more wood. With the axe. Because the chainsaw was out of action.

At this point he decides, screw it, why not give her something to actually complain about.

A family friend of ours happened to be a truck driver. He’d drive a big rig (almost Optimus Prime level) up and down the country.

He also happened to be back in town that weekend.

We give him a ring, and he’s keen to help us out. Next step is to warn all the other neighbors who were all fully on board because as it turns out, we weren’t the only ones she was complaining about.

This was gonna be interesting…

Proceed to next weekend about 9 am, and we spend about half an hour getting this great big truck down our driveway.

It was a pretty wide driveway, but it was a pretty wide truck too so it was a tight squeeze.

Now having been good friends with previous neighbors, we were familiar with the internal layout of those flats. The bedrooms were directly next to their front doors, facing our driveway.

We manage to get the cab of this massive truck far enough into the driveway to be directly next to this woman’s bedroom.

There’s about a metre and a half separating the truck and her wall. Perfect.

On goes the horn. Loud as hell, terrifies our cats. On it goes again. And again. And then us kids get a turn. You could hear that thing a block away.

Did it for about ten minutes, go inside for a coffee, come back out and run the horn one more time for good measure before our friend takes off.

This time there were no noise control officers. No complaints. Nothing. She left the next week.”

Here’s how Reddit users reacted.

This reader shared their thoughts.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Another person asked a question.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

This reader was impressed.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Another person shared a story.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

This individual weighed in.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

How do you like them apples?!?!

I’m guessing the neighbors don’t like them at all.

If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.