October 25, 2024 at 3:49 pm

His Sister Helped Support Her Family In The Philippines, But When Their Clueless Aunt Insulted Her She Decided To Stop

by Ashley Ashbee

Source: Pexels/Porapak Apichodilok/Reddit

Don’t bite the hand that feeds.

It’s an old expression that everyone knows, but not everyone follows it.

Here’s what happened when this aunt insulted the person who was giving her money and a nice life.

Check it out.

Entitled aunt unknowingly ended her own financial support

My mom was the first of her family to graduate college and had always valued education as a means to get out of poverty.

She paid for 4 of her siblings to go to college and has also paid for several of her sibling’s children to go to good schools in the Philippines.

My older sister Ria was very outspoken about how she did not agree with my mom financially supporting some of her family.

Here is where it gets complicated.

Ria felt they were abusing my mom’s generosity, especially since mom was frugal with our expenditures here in the US.

When Ria was in her last year of high school, she had a falling out with my mom and moved out. They did not speak for 5 years.

In that time, Ria worked full-time and paid her way thru college without any help from my parents.

She reconciled with my mom a few years later at my high school graduation.

Things were still rocky but they had a much better relationship.

Two years ago, my mom passed away.

Unknown to me at the time, Ria had quietly taken over the continued financial support for my mom’s youngest sister Jana’s cost of living and maintained the college fund for Jana’s daughter.

She also took care of the funeral arrangements and handling the estate.

Last year, Ria and I decided to spend the holidays in the Philippines and visited Jana.

And Ria wasn’t going to play around.

 “Ria, why did you stop talking to her (mom)?” Jana asks. “Why did you leave her? You should be ashamed. You need to be softer. How are you going to get a man otherwise?”

She turns to me and says, “You don’t want to get too old like Ria and not have your own family. That’s not following God’s plan!”

“Why did you drop out and get pregnant when mom was paying for your college?” Ria responded. “If you wanted to be a trophy wife, you should’ve said so instead of wasting my mom’s hard-earned money.”

Jana said, “How dare you come into MY house, eat MY food, and disrespect ME!”

“Technically it’s my mom’s house,” Ria said. “You have food because my mom has been supporting you for the better part of 15 years and you disrespected her by wasting all the opportunities she worked hard to give to you.”

Jana said that she didn’t need anything from Ria and kicked us out.

At the hotel my sister promptly stops the auto-transfer of funds for Jana’s account, but not the contributions to her kids’ education.

Here is what folks are saying.

I agree. That was big of her.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

I’m sure a lot of readers feel the same way.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

Haha lots of people loved how she handled this.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

I wonder why. Interesting.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

Not the sharpest knife in the drawer or she got cocky.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

Way to go, Ria!

You’ve gotta stand up for yourself.

If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.