Photograph by river seal The Tsukiji Fish Market is the biggest wholesale fish and seafood market in the world. It’s also one of the largest wholesale food markets of any kind. The market is located in Tsukiji in central Tokyo, and is a major attraction for foreign visitors. Tsukiji moves about five million pounds (2,268,000…
SERENITY NOW Molokini, Hawaii via jpegwallpapers Every day at 5pm the Sifter will post the picture of the day PLEASE CLICK HERE TO SEE ALL ‘PICTURES OF THE DAY’
SPACE IS WEIRD Explanation: Believe it or not, this is the North Pole of Saturn. It is unclear how an unusual hexagonal cloud system that surrounds Saturn’s north pole was created, keeps its shape, or how long it will last. Originally discovered during the Voyager flybys of Saturn in the 1980s, nobody has ever seen…
Over 400 posts and 1.3 million page views later, TwistedSifter has completed an incredible inaugural year. To herald the year to come, let’s look back at the year that was, and reminisce about some of the most popular posts from 2009. Before we delve deeper, I want to thank the readers of this site for…
Photograph by ENT108 At fifteen times the height of Niagara Falls, Angel Falls is the highest in the world. Just how tall is it? How did it get its name? Did someone seriously BASE jump from the top? Littered amongst the stunning images below you will find the answers. Enjoy! Angel Falls is the world’s…
AWWW NUTS! Photograph by Squirrel Hugger Squirrel mistakes a paintball for a nut and amazingness ensues. Flickr via Reddit Every day at 5pm the Sifter will post the picture of the day PLEASE CLICK HERE TO SEE ALL PREVIOUS ‘PICTURES OF THE DAY’
FACT: LIZARDS LOVE BRUSSELS SPROUTS Photograph by pouryourheartintoit That’s why they’re so green! Flickr via Reddit Every day at 5pm the Sifter will post the picture of the day PLEASE CLICK HERE TO SEE ALL PREVIOUS ‘PICTURES OF THE DAY’
Photograph by Jack Brauer All of the Croatian people I have met through my years have always talked about the natural beauty of their homeland. I always nodded in agreement because it struck me that most people shared the same sentiment, regardless of their origin. This says to me, that natural beauty and splendor…
SOMEWHERE A SHARK IS HAVING FISHBALLS FOR DINNER TONIGHT A giant ball of horse mackerel via The Daily Mail Every day at 5 pm the Sifter will post the picture of the day PLEASE CLICK HERE TO SEE ALL PREVIOUS ‘PICTURES OF THE DAY’
Photograph by Vasilij Rumyantsev ( Crimean Astrophysical Obsevatory) If you took a picture of the Sun at the same time each day, would it remain in the same position? The answer is no, and the shape traced out by the Sun over the course of a year is called an analemma. The Sun’s apparent shift…