There Could Be A Hidden “Planet 9” In Our Solar System That’s Been Under Our Noses This Entire Time
An intriguing theory!
An intriguing theory!
Things weren’t so hospitable on Earth, apparently.
This particular quasar is set to be our teacher.
This is so cool!
It’s over 30 miles in diameter.
Scientists are unraveling the secrets of of how stars evolve!
“What’s the deal with the universe, anyway?”
There’s a lot of talk about imaginary bubbles these days – body autonomy bubbles, people living in their own bubbles, et al – but astronomers know Earth actually has one. Now, they’ve made a pretty map of what it would look like if we could see it from a different vantage point. The cool 3D map…
Magnetic fields that stretch over thousands of light-years have been difficult to map.
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