Hiker Was Horrified To See How A Kid Treated An Animal On The Trail, But She Was Even More Upset When His Parents Made Excuses For Him

Poor chipmunk!
Photograph by Cephas on Wikimedia Commons Seen here is an Eastern chipmunk with cheeks filled with food. The cute critter was spotted in the Cap Tourmente National Wildlife Area in Quebec, Canada. The eastern chipmunk (Tamias striatus) is a chipmunk species found in eastern North America. A small species, it reaches about 30 cm…
THE STANDOFF Photograph by ALESSANDRO CANCIAN Website | Facebook | Twitter | 500px In this fantastic close up by Alessandro Cancian, we see a chipmunk and bird facing off, both clearly interested in the food that is atop this post. In the photo description page on 500px, Cancian says he used a…
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