Marine Biologists Accidently Discover That This Jellyfish Can Fuse With Each Other When Injured

This seems mean, but very interesting.
This seems mean, but very interesting.
Remarkable footage by Stewart Whitfield shows baby fish taking refugre inside the bell of a jellyfish
The mysterious jellyfish was seen during the Deepwater Exploration of the Marianas expedition on April 24, 2016, while exploring Enigma Seamount at a depth of ~3,700 meters (12,100 ft)
Warning: contains scientific footage that may be considered graphic. Do not watch if blood or dissection makes you queasy
Take a surreal underwater tour of Palau’s Jellyfish Lake, set to the beautiful piano song Nuvole Bianche by Ludovico Einaudi.
Destin of SmarterEveryDay meets with toxinologist Dr. Seymour to investigate how jellyfish stings work using microscopic, slow motion video footage.
MOON JELLY Photograph by Alexander Semenov | Prints Available In this beautiful photograph by Alexander Semenov (underwater photographer extraordinaire), we see Aurelia aurita, commonly known as the moon jelly. It is translucent and typically ranges between 5-40 cm in diameter. They are carnivorous and primarily feed on small plankton organisms such as…
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