Tag: pfas

April 17, 2024 at 12:40 pm

Study Finds Most Of Earth’s Water Is Contaminated By “Forever Chemicals”

Source: Shutterstock

There’s a real unknown amount of PFAS that we’re not measuring in the environment

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November 24, 2023 at 4:51 am

Pentagon Admits 240+ Military Bases Are Polluting Drinking Water With Cancer-Causing PFAS, And There Might Be More To Come

Pentagon Admits 240+ Military Bases Are Polluting Drinking Water With Cancer-Causing PFAS, And There Might Be More To Come

Somebody call Erin Brockovich and get her on the job!

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August 9, 2023 at 11:16 am

United States Geological Survey Study Finds Half Of America’s Tap Water Is Laced With Toxic “Forever” Chemicals

United States Geological Survey Study Finds Half Of America's Tap Water Is Laced With Toxic "Forever" Chemicals

Use that Brita, fam!

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September 22, 2022 at 1:20 am

Why Rainwater Is Unsafe To Drink Everywhere On Earth

Why Rainwater Is Unsafe To Drink Everywhere On Earth

“Forever chemicals” are a big problem.

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