Picture of the Day: Hong Kong Density

It’s the fourth densest place on Earth with the second most high rises (12 stores or higher) in the world
It’s the fourth densest place on Earth with the second most high rises (12 stores or higher) in the world
The phenomenon occurs when part of a cloud’s water droplets freeze into ice crystals and fall below the cloud layer
Mammatus cloud are known for their interesting appearance, as the clouds seem to have smooth round puffs hanging from its underside.
Photograph by Luc Viatour | http://www.Lucnix.be Seen here are the amazing vaulted ceilings and dome of St Aubin’s Cathedral in Namur, Wallonia, Belgium. St Aubin’s is the only cathedral in Belgium in the Late Baroque style and was built between 1751 and 1767. Inside, all colour is avoided, replaced by architectural enrichments and the…
Photograph by SirSaucySquid on reddit Reddit user SirSaucySquid lay directly underneath a transmission tower to capture this hypnotic photo. The dizzying array of steel is reminiscent of a sort of giant kaleidoscope pattern. The photo was taken on his phone and edited using the VSCO Cam app. A transmission tower is a tall structure,…
In his ongoing series entitled Sky Art, Thomas Lamadieu aka Roots Art (featured previously), takes skyward photos of buildings wherever he travels. Most of his images point directly upwards using a fisheye lens. He then uses the sky in each photo as his canvas, filling it in with illustrations and playing with perspective. To…
In an ongoing series entitled Sky Art, artist Thomas Lamadieu aka Roots Art, takes photos of buildings and cityscapes wherever he travels. Many of his images point skyward using a fisheye lens. He then uses the sky in each photo as his canvas, filling it with illustrations that incorporate the sky’s natural colour. To…
THE MOST HYPNOTIC CEILING IN SHANGHAI Photograph by DEAN MULLIN Website | Facebook | Twitter | 500px In this dizzying capture by Dean Mullin, we see an incredible vaulted ceiling at a BMW dealership in a mall in Shanghai. According to Mullin: “no illusion, just a really high vaulted ceiling – which…
LOOKING UP TO GIANT SEQUOIAS Photograph by xeno_sapien on reddit In this breathtaking photograph by xeno_sapien on reddit, we look skyward, surrounded by giant sequoia trees. The photograph was taken at Sequoia National Park which is located in the United States in the southern Sierra Nevada east of Visalia, California. Established on…
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