June 3, 2011 at 9:06 am

The Friday Shirk Report – Volume 112

by twistedsifter



Welcome to the Friday Shirk Report where you will find the 20 funniest images, 10 most interesting articles, and 5 most viral videos from the previous week of sifting. Enjoy!

*For those that prefer the links open in a new tab/window, try holding the CTRL key whilst clicking a link with your mouse

Stay sifty my friends 🙂


Always wanted to do this
Yo this new hairstyle is fresh boi
That’s a lot of woman
The perfect caption
Forget street legal, this car is not Earth legal
It’s a tough word to spell and they made a valiant effort
This cat would not survive a day in the streets
Roland B is the current front-runner for ‘make me the next model 2011’.
Vinn Diagram
Human skeleton vs Gorilla skeleton
Who knew there was so much symbolism in a dollar bill?
Wish I saw how this ended
Can you spot the guy who’s not a team player
Wifi network name = win
Like a boss
Lost in the Beijing subway system. Map was unhelpful
Dolphin tattoo is cooler than you think
Bread > Pigeon
This guy is trolling dating sites and shattering egos. Bastard

50 Amazing Facts and Figures About Google
Step aside Dos Equis Guy, Vlady Putin is the real life most interesting man in the world (thx for sharing Lalonde!)
Licensed to Loop: America’s Only Aerobatic Copter Pilot
Impressive gallery of aerial photography
How the Android Ecosystem Threatens the iPhone
Milestones in Space Photography
Startling Gallery of American Child Labour circa 1900-1937
9 Mind-Blowing Pieces of Art Made With Ridiculous Materials
Bizarre collection of shower designs
Innovation Starts With Disruptive Hypotheses. Here’s How To Create One



6 million views in 6 days…




15 Minutes of bliss. Unbelievable talent and beautifully compiled.




zipper hair style ghetto The Friday Shirk Report   Volume 112