Her Friend Tried To impersonate Her And Use Her Credit Card, But She Happened To Be At The Same Store And Overheard Him Placing An Order Over The Phone
by Heide Lazaro
Sometimes, unbelievable coincidences happen.
Some are no big deal, but this one ruined a friendship.
This woman lent her friend her credit card information in good faith.
Years later, a crazy coincidence prevented him from following through with using her card.
The coincidence will blow your mind!
Read the story below and find out all the details.
Insane coincidence ruins a friendship
This happened around 1989, in Alabama.
I was about 19, and I had a good friend named Brian. I will call him Bad Brian (BB).
I was young, stupid, and trusting.
Bad Brian borrowed this woman’s credit card to secure a hotel room.
BB was getting married.
He asked me if he could use my credit card to secure the hotel room. He promised me they would never charge it.
I said ok, but was still suspicious.
She changed some of the numbers just to be sure.
I transposed some numbers and the expiration date but close enough where I could say it was an accident.
He gets married, and no issue.
She bought a BBGun, but the wrong item was delivered.
Two years later, I bought a BBGun off of a mail order catalog, something like GGG Sales.
They are not in business anymore, but they used to sell Freon powered BBGuns.
What arrived was the wrong item, so I called them.
They didn’t have them in stock, but I can exchange it for anything else in their catalog.
It turned out they were like 45 miles away, which was a neighboring state (FL).
So, she decided to just drive to the store.
I drove over there.
I was talking to them, looking at the other things they have, and while I was standing there, a guy answered the phone and started taking an order.
He was saying the name while writing it down on the form.
It was my name, but with an address much closer to Florida then I live.
She approached the employee and showed him her ID.
While he was writing down the credit card info, I walked in front of him.
I put my driver’s license on top of the form.
The employee was irritated because he did not realize what I was trying to show him.
He tried to continue with the order.
She knew exactly who was impersonating her.
I pointed to the name on the license.
Then, he stopped.
I knew who it was trying to place an order using my card because I had only given my credit card info to one person.
She confronted Bad Brian.
I motioned to the man to hand me the phone, and after a little reluctance, he did.
I simply said, “Hi, Brian. What the hell are you doing?”
I could almost hear his mind explode as he recognized my voice. I mean here it was, two years later, he decided to use my credit card, and I was in another state in the same store at the same time, picking up the phone?!?
She told him she would drop by his house to get all the copies of her credit card information.
I told him I was going to stop by his house. (His new address was on the order form).
And I want the original paper he wrote my info down on and any copies he had.
He still felt dazzled.
I stopped by, and he handed them to me.
It was everything I could do to keep myself from getting physical.
The whole time he had a dazed look on his face. Like he did not understand how this happened.
And she never spoke to him again.
I never talked to him again but have thought of how insane the coincidence was.
I just happened to be in the same place at the same time he was using my credit card and was close enough to hear him say my name… Crazy!
Wow! Crazy indeed. Let’s check out what others have to say about this on Reddit.
This user shares their personal thoughts.
LOL! Funny but makes sense.
This is true.
You have great radar, says this person.
And lastly, this person affirms that it was meant to be.
He must think she has superpowers!
If you liked that post, check out this story about a customer who insists that their credit card works, and finds out that isn’t the case.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · bbgun, credit card, friend, petty revenge, picture, reddit, revenge, store, top

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