Monthly Archives: January 2012

January 23, 2012 at 1:10 pm

Fans Recreate Entire Star Wars Film in 15-Second Clips

Fans Recreate Entire Star Wars Film in 15-Second Clips

Star Wars: The Uncut Project – Episode IV: A new Hope Star Wars Uncut is the brainchild of Casey Pugh, a developer dedicated to creating new and fun experiences on the web. Working as a developer at Vimeo, Casey became interested in using the Internet as a tool for crowdsourcing user content.…

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January 23, 2012 at 8:44 am

Incredible 3D Sculptural Art Painted Layer by Layer

Incredible 3D Sculptural Art Painted Layer by Layer

Artwork by RIUSUKE FUKAHORI | Photograph by DOMINIC ALVES Japanese artist Riusuke Fukahori creates incredible three-dimensional artwork by applying acrylic paint on multiple layers of transparent liquid resin. The resin is mixed with a hardener or catalyst, allowing Riusuke to paint each successive layer (similar to a 3D printer), eventually creating a ‘sculptural painting’…

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January 22, 2012 at 12:11 pm

IKEA Kitchen Table Art by Carl Kleiner

IKEA Kitchen Table Art by Carl Kleiner

Photography by CARL KLEINER | Styling by EVELINA BRATELL Following up from 2010’s hit campaign ‘Visual Recipes‘, IKEA has teamed up again with photographer Carl Kleiner to bring kitchen items to life in a brilliant and visually stunning way. Stylist Evelina Bratell was responsible for each shot’s arrangement, which is deserving of equal…

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January 21, 2012 at 5:24 pm

Picture of the Day: The Infinity Edge Aquarium

Picture of the Day: The Infinity Edge Aquarium

THE INFINITY EDGE AQUARIUM Photograph via ZEROEDGE AQUARIUMS AND WATER FEATURES The ZeroEdge Aquarium by ZeroEdge Aquariums and Water Features is designed in such a way that the water overflows the surface and spills over all sides of the aquarium creating a “zero edge”. The overflowing water is so seamless that until…

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January 21, 2012 at 10:13 am

How To Make a Stove from a Single Log

How To Make a Stove from a Single Log

Commonly known as a ‘Swedish Fire Torch’, this simple outdoor cooking method not only provides you the heat you need to cook a delicious meal (or boil a pot of water), but it also comes with a built-in ‘stove top’ to place your pot or pan onto. It’s a tidy and controlled fire that’s…

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January 20, 2012 at 9:09 am

The Shirk Report – Volume 145

The Shirk Report - Volume 145

Welcome to the Shirk Report where you will find the 20 funniest images, 10 most interesting articles, and 5 most viral videos from the previous week of sifting. Enjoy! *For those that prefer the links open in a new tab/window, try holding the CTRL key whilst clicking a link with your mouse Stay sifty…

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January 19, 2012 at 4:59 pm

Picture of the Day: Moon and Venus Over Switzerland

Picture of the Day: Moon and Venus Over Switzerland

MOON AND VENUS OVER SWITZERLAND Photograph by DAVID KAPLAN Lit from beneath by lights from the village of Trubbach, Switzerland, a snow covered mountain, Mittlerspitz, poses dramatically on the upper left, hovering over the small town of Balzers, Liechtenstein far below. Peaks from the Alps can be seen across the far right,…

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January 19, 2012 at 9:53 am

15 Famous Photos in History Colorized

15 Famous Photos in History Colorized

Alfred Hitchcock Portrait – Colorized by Sanna Dullaway Reddit user mygrapefruit and self-taught colorizer Sanna Dullaway has colorized famous photographs in history. You can find the entire 34-image collection on Imgur. Using a Wacom bamboo tablet and Photosohp, each photo takes anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours. It’s an interesting project as…

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January 18, 2012 at 4:30 pm

Picture of the Day: Capsized Cruise Ship Costa Concordia from Space

Picture of the Day: Capsized Cruise Ship Costa Concordia from Space

CAPSIZED CRUISE SHIP COSTA CONCORDIA FROM SPACE Photograph by DIGITALGLOBE.COM In this startling satellite image by DigitalGlobe, the capsized cruise ship Costa Concordia can be seen near the island of Giglio in Italy on January 17, 2012. As of today, search has been suspended after the ship slipped. Twenty-three people are still…

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January 18, 2012 at 9:16 am

12 Awesome Moments in Jeopardy History

12 Awesome Moments in Jeopardy History

Without doubt, Jeopardy! is the Sifter’s favourite game show. Blurting out guesses to every answer is surprisingly enjoyable, even when you’re wrong most of the time! Below is a collection of 12 awesome moments in Jeopardy! history. From hilarious outbursts to the welcoming of our new computer overlords, these are moments any Jeopardy!…

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