A Mom Hung a Sign Above Hospital Bed to Tell Nurses Why She Can’t Breastfeed Her Newborn
A mom named Megan Koziel shared a post on Instagram where she made a very specific statement regarding why she would not be breastfeeding after she gave birth to her baby.
Koziel found out she had breast cancer when she was only 26-years-old and she had to have a double mastectomy.
The sign above her reads “No Breastfeeding Zone. Though breastfeeding is a very special task, Please be aware before you ask. Our miracle baby will be formula fed, And it will not affect her future ahead. This Mommy is a Survivor.”
In the caption to her Instagram post, Koziel said,
“Attention please, attention please. We do indeed have a mommy-to-be who had breast cancer and a mastectomy which means, without boobs in the house! Got the banner raised just in case people are confused at why we are NOT going to be breastfeeding our little bundle of joy. Yes I have foobs, no I do not have boobs (or nipples) therefore… my body is incapable of breastfeeding:).”
Koziel added to this when she said, “To all the mommies like me facing complicated health histories of facing social media trolls for how you’re raising your child I would say…keep on being you! We all must make decisions that are best for our families, and it is truly no one else’s business if it doesn’t affect them! Raise your child surrounded by love and with happiness and that baby will be amazing.”

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