November 23, 2022 at 4:40 pm
10 Tweets That Are F-U-N-N-Y
This time has come to get F-U-N-N-Y.
And that’s exactly what’s about to go down with these 10 tweets that really fit the bill.
Go ahead and get your funny on!
1. You gotta look cool.
Even out in nature.
2. I love this!
Looks like a great way to start the day.
3. Oh, boy.
Too smart for their own good.
4. Now it’s getting REAL.
Mom? Dad?
5. For real.
Get a babysitter!
6. I’ll pass on breakfast.
And I’m leaving the house…forever…
7. Well, that’s nice.
Go ahead and merge!
8. A lot of names will not make the cut…
Just being honest…
9. Where are we partying?
Gonna be a wild night!
10. I’m over here!
Don’t forget your elbows!
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