15 People Talk About the Types of People They’ll Never Date Again
Call me crazy, but I don’t think I’m ever interested in dating someone with a drinking problem again as long as I live.
Who would’ve thought, right?!?!
But, you live and you learn, my friends…
What kind of person will you never date again?
Check out how AskReddit users responded.
1. No way.
“The “I can’t live without you” type.
It’s like having a puppy that can text you.”
2. Sounds horrible.
“A scorekeeper.
Had a girlfriend who would basically keep tally charts in her head of how many times each of us did each chore. She’d flip out over any imbalance, even if it was caused by something like I couldn’t cook dinner because I was at work during dinner time.
I’m all for equitable distribution and sharing of chores, but scorekeepers are f**king exhausting.”
3. Done with that.
“Poly people.
I’ve dated my fair share of kinksters (actually some of the best, most therapeutic relationships I’ve ever been in) so I like to have an open mind but man, the few poly involvements I’ve had have been absolute dumpster fires.
The only redeeming thing I’ve had come out of one was that I became very sure I’m not poly.”
4. Not on the same page.
“The stoner hippie that wants to spend his savings on a bus to renovate it into a tiny house and drive around the country.
That’s a fine dream, and he was a great person, but we did NOT mesh in our views of the future.”
5. A bad idea.
“Someone who pins their happiness on a relationship.
No hobbies, no friends, doesn’t take care of their mental health.
“As long as I have you it’s okay”. Like no- take care of yourself.”
6. Hell no.
“I don’t know how to call a person like this, so I’ll give you example instead. Ex GF said that we should be a separate cell of society.
She meant we should have only OUR friends, OUR hobbies and we should distance ourselves from parents and etc.
I personally think anyone can have a right on their personal life which is not connected to the relationships.”
7. Disruptive.
“People with wanderlust.
Travel is great but if you can’t stay in the same place for longer than a year or so before you HAVE to move somewhere else you need to make sure the person you start dating knows about this.
This is an extremely disruptive cycle that is not for everyone.”
8. All about conflict.
“Dismissive avoidants and/or high conflict personality types.
Yes, the grief I’m feeling at my father passing away is a valid emotion. You don’t have to pick a fight with me over wanting a moment of privacy in our bedroom to cry.
Yes, my pain is more important to me IN THAT MOMENT than your frustration with me over not doing the dishes last night after getting home from the hospital. No, I’m not a needy child for having a human emotion that you don’t think I should have.”
9. Not worth it.
“The actual bad boy: drug addicted, drinker “I don’t give a f**k” type.
Always a**sive imo and the s** isn’t worth the panic attacks and heartache.”
10. Get rich quick!
I’ve met too many men who think that they’re on a path toward endless wealth when it’s really just away or some other scam.
Even worse — when they expect you to support their delusions as if THE WORLD is against them.”
11. Just say no.
“The super submissive type.
For some, that may sound nice, but it gets old after a while. I would beg my ex to just say ‘No’ to me or to voice her thoughts/desires.
She was so afraid that if I didn’t like what she said that I would break up with her or something.”
12. Gets old in a hurry.
“The “smartest guy in the room”.
He was a know-it-all and no one could tell him any different.
It was insufferable.”
13. Turned into a monster.
“Crunchy festival chicks.
I like really natural girls but the last one I dated…oof. She was fun, charismatic, lots of cool friends, good music taste, affectionate and thoughtful…when she was sober.
Once she got to drinking or worse she turned into a monster. Constant FOMO, always wanting to go out, you always need to be in the moment.
“I don’t care if you have work tomorrow, Moonsong just got some k**ler acid and we’re going over to her place to trip tonight.” “I just bought some good blow, you owe me 80 bucks.” Just not worth it at all.”
14. Totally toxic.
“A narcissist.
I had a lot of trauma growing up, a lot of codependency issues, which made me an easy mark for narcissists (or at least toxic, manipulative dudes).
The last one just tried to hoover me back in last month, after ghosting me months ago and right after getting married to some other poor woman. Dude’s a f**king mess. Never again.”
15. Time to end it.
“Someone with no hobbies.
I’ve dated someone who ‘made’ me the person who should entertain them 24/7.
I need my f**king space and my alone time and it just made me depressed and drink way too much because I felt suffocated…”

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