15 People Open Up About What Would Make Their Lives a Little Bit Better Right Now
I think we can all admit that all of us could use a little something extra in our lives.
Money, a better relationship, a better job, a new car, etc.
So what would make your life a little bit better right now?
Here’s how AskReddit users answered that question.
1. Give them a break.
“As a public school teacher, for the public to get off our backs and show a little support for the people willing to educate the next generation.”
2. Let’s do it!
“The collapse of the religious political party in the US and the end of politician worship in general in the US.”
3. Good luck to you.
“A roof over my head.
Currently going through my homeless arc, my windows in my car won’t roll up and it’s about to rain.
Wish me luck.”
4. A little bit.
“Just a bit of money.
I have no food right now, won’t be able to get any until next week, things are pretty s**t.
Got nobody I can turn to, the hunger pains are pretty extreme.”
5. Stability.
“A stable income.
I’m 42, did the university thing etc., but for some reason, I’ve never managed to get a stable well paying job. I’m always self-employed or freelance, or the companies I join end up going bust.
I think I’m too old now and people won’t want to give me a decent job. I can work very hard, but I don’t know how to choose what to work hard at in order to have results.
I do have a job right now, and I do like it, but it’s not good money and it doesn’t feel like a safe bet but I think that might be the economy going to s**t here in the UK.”
6. Needing a friend.
“Anybody. At all. Who was interested in just… socializing and talking to me in person.
Everybody has become so antisocial; everybody has such a tiny little “bubble” and doesn’t want to let anyone else in.
The “Seattle Freeze” definitely makes it a hell of a lot worse, but lately people tell me to accept being alone and just get into reading books.
It’s brutal.”
7. Over it.
“Being told my tumor is completely resolved and I don’t need the last two chemos. So over it. Done 14 already.
I want my hair back, I want to hurry up and get my surgery. Just sick of cancer.”
8. Leave me alone!
“If my parents could take responsibility of their actions for once, quit manipulating me, and leave me alone.”
9. Slimming down.
“I’d like to lose some weight, I’d like my husband to lose some too.
Other than that, nothing. I’m pretty lucky.
Good marriage, good kids, good job, good friends. Yeah.. thanks for this. I needed that reminder.”
10. Inner peace.
“Self-esteem and inner peace are what I need, but enough money to not worry about anything for a while would be nice.”
11. Ready for this kid to come out.
“This baby to vacate himself from my uterus, due date has passed my due date.
Save that, a back rub would be really nice.”
12. Some clarity.
“Clarity of mind.
To be able to stop overthinking everything and having thoughts bouncing around in my head 24/7, which makes it difficult to just sit back and enjoy the little things like watching a film.
I’m glad we have sleep, otherwise I wouldn’t get a rest from my own mind. At the end of the day, it’s nice to just disconnect for a while.”
13. Please?
“A really good friend.
Someone that wants to spend time with me. Not like hanging out once a month, or a couple hours on discord. I would like someone in my life that actually wants to be around me, as much as I want to be around them.
Could be a friend, a lover, a family member…anyone.”
14. More free time.
“An extra day off would be nice.
I just found a new book i badly want to read and I keep having to put it off because… gotta hustle.”
15. Just one week.
“I’d like to not have autism for a week. Just a week will be fine. So I can know how other people feel and experience things.
This way I might be better able to explain my needs. I have no clue how other people experience a train ride or a trip to the supermarket.
How do you deal with bad news, what happens to you if your work route changed, or if the brand of cereal you always buy is out of stock?”

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