Her Grandparents Gave Her An Inheritance That Once Belonged To Her Father. Should She Politely Decline?
Sometimes stories have unexpected happy endings…and sometimes they’re even for the people who deserve them.
OP and her mother were abandoned by her father before she was even born. The way she tells it, he wanted her mother to be a stay-at-home wife/mom and her mother had career aspirations she wasn’t willing to give up.
Her father moved back to England and apparently never gave her another thought (or another dollar) her entire life.
She describes her upbringing as happy and secure, as her mother did well for herself and they lived an upper middle class life in Canada.
My father is a dick. When he got my mother pregnant he wanted her to quit her job and just stay home to “be a good little wife and mother. He is very well off due to a trust fund and he doesn’t really need to work. My mother refused and divorced him.
Because of a prenup she got very little and he moved back to Europe. His parents never knew about me and my mother had a good profession and I never really wanted for anything.
My grandmother and grandfather, her mom and dad were awesome, and I got to spend my summers exploring the wilds of Western Canada with them. My father never paid the child support he should have.
Like I said it didn’t really matter. My mom makes good money and she gave me a great life as a child.
Recently, OP got engaged to a man whose family is from the same part of England her father is from. Through the local grapevine, her paternal grandparents learned of her existence.
So the point of this post. I’m (F28) getting married. I met the love of my life (M31) at university and we have been together for eight years. He is a wonderful person and he really is my lobster. (Sorry, Friends reference). His family is from the same city as my father and they are a huge rambunctious bunch.
Because of a lot of intermingled business and personal relationships my parental grandparents found out about my impending wedding and me I suppose.
The have been in contact and want to come to Canada to meet me and my fiancee who I guess is a grandson of an acquaintance of theirs. Small world.
They also learned that she had never received a dime from their son, who has always lived on a trust fund of theirs. As a rule, they set up trust funds for their grandchildren as well, but never did for OP, as they did not realize she existed.
Now they’ve not only set her up trust fund, but taken what they feel was fair for 18 years of child support plus the cost of OP’s college education and given it to her as well – all deducted from their son’s accounts.
When they found out that my father had basically abandoned me to fend for myself in this world, this is honestly how they see it, they were pissed to say the least. It is very funny because we are decidedly upper middle class here.
So long story short they had their lawyer calculate the amount of child support my father should have paid with inyerest and the cost of my post secondary education. They then gave my this as a gift. What I didn’t know was that it came out of my father’s yearly draw on his trust fund.
Now her “father” is calling and demanding she give the money back because he needs it to support his current wife and children but OP doesn’t want to.
She feels he owes it to her, and she wants to use it to pay off a few things and send her mother on a nice vacation.
He is furious because it is obviously a sizeable amount and it will very much affect his finances for at least the next two years. He may need to ,GASP, get a job.
He has been contacting me and telling me that his current wife and children will be negatively affected if I don’t give him back this money.
I don’t really need it. And I guess I am entitled to it and I am getting a trust fund now as well.
But I really want to pay off any debt my mother may have and make sure that when she retires she can do whatever suits her fancy.
I’m not giving it back.
Reddit’s going to render their judgement below!
The top comment tells her she’s doing the right thing. Her dad has always been wrong and they are trying to set things right.

Image Credit: Reddit
Others urged her not to throw her grandparents out because her dad is a jerk.

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And this person says she has no reason to feel guilty or badly for her father.

Image Credit: Reddit
Her dad is learning a lesson he probably should have learned a long time ago.

Image Credit: Reddit
I doubt he could hack it at McDonald’s.

Image Credit: Reddit
This guy is a piece of work and deserves whatever he gets.
I don’t really think there’s another way to see this one, do you?

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