Is It Ever OK To Hijack Someone Else’s Pregnancy Announcement?
by Trisha Leigh
Announcing a wanted pregnancy to family and friends is always an exciting time. Your parents are becoming grandparents, siblings are being promoted to aunts and uncles, and in general, a happy time.
OP here is pregnant with her second after two early losses, and was planning to use a trip in from out of town to announce to her parents and sister.
My husband and I have been trying for our second baby for two and a half years. We lost 2 pregnancies during that time, though we only told our families about the first. I’m incredibly grateful to now be 13 weeks pregnant and have been looking forward to sharing that news with my family.
On Friday, we had dinner with my family – my sister, her boyfriend, and our parents – and we decided to share our news then. I decided to wait until dessert, so that we could leave shortly after telling everyone.
Obviously, it’s exciting news, but I was worried about all the emotions that could surface for myself and my husband.
She had no idea that her sister was pregnant until she announced first.
Right after we sat down to eat, my sister announced that she and her boyfriend are expecting their first child. I was thrilled for her and congratulated her, as did the rest of the family.
Thinking that she would be adding to the joy, OP went ahead and announced her own good news. It was well received and everyone seemed excited about cousins being born so close in age.
Once things had settled down, I didn’t want to waste the opportunity to have everyone together and thought it would be a good opportunity to keep the joy flowing, so I shared that I’m pregnant as well.
Our parents were so excited to be having two new grandbabies just a month apart and I was super happy that my kids would have a new cousin.
Her sister left early, though, and later let OP know she was upset to have her “moment” stolen.
My sister was happy for me but she left very soon after dinner and didn’t stay for dessert.
She called me this afternoon and told me that as happy as she was for me, she felt that I’d done a shitty thing by taking away “her moment.” She pointed out that this is my second baby and when I announced for the first time, I didn’t have to “share” with anyone.
I didn’t want to apologize because I didn’t feel I’d done anything wrong, but she finished out the phone call by saying that she didn’t think I was really even happy for her, if I couldn’t have let her have that moment and taken another for myself later on.
That really stung.
OP is genuinely confused, because her intention was only to add to the joy, and she had decided to announce that day before going to the dinner.
I truly didn’t see it that way. I saw it as sharing joy, not stealing it. I also see each pregnancy as being unique, so I don’t feel that it was right of her to say I shouldn’t have said anything because it was my second baby.
Honestly, I think she might be kind of hormonal. But I also want to understand my sister and I know I’m not going to get anywhere asking her about it. So, I want to be enlightened. AITA for announcing my pregnancy immediately after my sister?
ETA: I’m visiting from Los Angeles, my sister lives in New Jersey and our parents live in NYC.
Which sister does Reddit think is being unreasonable? Read on to find out!
The top commenter thinks it doesn’t matter who is wrong, it only matters that OP’s sister is upset.
This reply disagrees, though, and doesn’t think OP has any reason to apologize.
This person agrees that no real apology is required here.
They think the sister is being unreasonable and immature, too.
This comment says the whole thing is just silly and they need to get over it.
I have to say that no one has “dibs” on a dinner and one announcement doesn’t “steal” anything from another one.
The sister had better get used to the attention being all about someone else before the baby comes.
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