May 1, 2023 at 11:39 pm

People Talk About The “Innocent” Videos They’ve Seen That Sent Chills Down Their Spines When They Heard The Whole Story

by Trisha Leigh

If you’re someone who is totally into creepy backstories, then this Reddit list is definitely for you.

Because even though these videos look completely innocent at first glance, just wait until you hear the real stories behind them.

I promise they won’t seem innocent at all any more.


I’m from Czech republic and on Youtube, there’s a video of a Who Wants To Be A Millionaire contender Viktor Kalivoda. He’s a pretty smart guy and performs better than well.

However, later he’s become one of the most famous mass murderers in the history of our country.

That WWTBAM video always gives me goosebumps.

It wasn’t granola bars.

My mom and I recently watched one of those 20/20 shows, and they were talking about a woman who went out drinking one night, and was never seen again. She had gone back to one guys apartment, but hotel footage showed her leave shortly after arriving, and the guy in the apartment swore he didn’t do anything to her.

But they kept interviewing this one guy, who was the last guy to see her alive. They stopped at a gas station, and he claims that she started talking to another guy, got in his car and left. He played the whole “If I had only known, I wouldn’t have let her go!” act, with tears and everything.

Well, there’s footage of him at his job a couple days later, and the footage is super generic. He has a cooler on a rolling cart, and he’s putting it in a freezer (he worked for a food production company). When the police interviewed his boss, they asked to see all of her footage, and she obliged.

When they got to that part of the footage, him putting the cooler in the freezer, she told police to stop. She said that those coolers were used to store granola bars, and there was zero reason for those bars to be put in the freezer.

The girl’s body was in there. He took it out back and burned basically everything in a barrel down the alley a couple days later, but it was before the police had seen the footage. And he had bleached his entire van before police could search it.

I need to know the rest.

Redditors take a pic of them on a hike. In the background is the unconscious body of a person who was severely injured the night before.

Listen to your gut.

The Dating Game.

The concept appeared innocent enough: a woman chooses a bachelor out of the three available contestants and they go on a date.

However, the game in 1978 turned dark when serial killer Rodney Alcala was nominated to be a contestant and actually WON the game. The contestant refused to go out with him on the date because she thought he was actually creepy afterwords. She dodged a bullet

The waves are coming…

The 2004 Tsunami videos.

People having fun on gorgeous day, enjoying the now very wide beach not knowing the wave of death coming towards them.

Definitely suspicious.

The surveillance video of Timothy Pitzen

It just looks like he and his mother are checking into a hotel but in reality it is shortly before his mother kills herself and leaves behind a note saying Timmothy is safe but will never be found.

He is still missing.

‘In the note, Fry-Pitzen apologized for the mess she had created, and explained that Timmothy would never be found, but was safe with people who would care for him.’

-squints suspiciously-

Not the secondary location.

This video of former officer Craig Peyer giving safety advice that was created in response to the murder of Cara Knott.

Peyer had murdered Knott by luring her to a isolated area just off the freeway.

Behind closed doors.

The tv show The Willis Family that had 2 seasons on tlc. The dad was super controlling of his 12 kids and wife and just gave off creepy vibes. I was shocked though to find out that he had been raping his own daughters for years with the oldest saying that molestation started when she was 3.

All 12 children were homeschooled and did dance and wrestling but only with each other. They were so isolated from other people.

He was also strict about his daughters saving themselves for marriage even though he was raping them.

There’s a clip from the show of him discussing all the kids building houses on his property so his future grandchildren would be close by. It’s like he was trying to set up his next victims for when his daughters grew up.

The worst part is the mom knew for a while but didn’t do anything about it. It was a family friend that ended up reaching out to authorities which led to his arrest and sentence of 40 years.

It’s super creepy to see clips of the show knowing what was happening behind closed doors…

I wish she would have said something.

Carmen Miranda’s last performance

Carmen Miranda, the famous singer and dancer of the 1940s , performed on the Jimmy Durante show on August 4 1955. At the end of her performance she briefly dropped to her knee but popped back up after wards.

She later died of a massive heart attack that same night.

What a nightmare.

The James Bulger video.

I’m on mobile and I’m a bit lazy, but it’s a seemingly innocent video of a 2 y/o boy (James) holding the hand of an older child.

James was tortured and murdered by two 10 y/o kids who led him away from his mother for a split second at a shopping center.

He had a tell.

This interview about a murder, with Stephen McDaniel, in which he ( her neighbor ) ended up being the one who kidnapped and dismembered her.

It’s horrifying looking back and seeing his ticks where they bring her up, and even when they eventually find her body and he goes loco

Bless her heart.

The song Anne Marie sings in ‘All Dogs Go to Heaven’ about wanting a loving home.

While recording, the voice actress, Judith Barsi kept crying. Her home life was awful. Her father was abusive to both her and her mother and would often threaten to kill or hurt them.

Judith died before the movie came out. She and her mother were killed by her father and then he killed himself. She was 10.

Oh yikes.

This video of a Russian influencer.

In her birthday party at a swimming pool she had the idea of pouring dry ice in the water for the visual effect.

3 people died intoxicated because of all the carbon dioxide.

I’m not sure that should seem innocent at all.

What about the video that was on Tosh.O where there were 2 girls and the “dad” tied them in a playful way to the bed. But it was really like a pedo tutorial on how to do this to kids so the pedo could do what they wanted.

Tosh said on the show it was creepy and the guys whole YouTube channel was weird.

A few months later the FBI or something investigated it and it turned out the guy was a pedo abusing the girls and expoloiting them on his “kids YouTube channel”.

That video looked creepy innocent until you find out the real story.

An innocent suitcase.

These teens found a suitcase in Seattle by the sea while filming a tiktok. Only to discover later the suitcase contained two bodies.

Well that’s horrible.

One day I saw a news report on a woman’s body dropped in a lake. The police were still looking for the body. They interviewed a man who said “that could’ve been someone’s mother”

A few hours later they find out the body was that mans mother.

It was a cover story.

Actress Melissa Benoist was on Jimmy Fallon in 2016. She told a story about a time she fell and tore up half her face and one of her eyes. She made jokes about it, and no one really thought about it.

Last year she revealed that one of her exes was very violent when they were together. She revealed that the story she told on Jimmy Fallon was a cover up story. The real story is that her husband(at the time) had thrown an iPhone in her face.

It’s always somebody’s friend.

I was at a friends house, my friends dad yelled down from upstairs “someone was struck and killed by lightning at Venice Beach today”

I got cold, looked at my friend and said, “damn, that could have been any one of us.” Get home and later find out that one of my friends was out in Venice when a lightning storm hit, striking the water. He wasn’t even in the water until he ran in to grab the people that had been struck and incapacitated. He ran in to save them and when he did he got struck and died instantly.

Broke my f**king heart but that was the kind of person Nicholas Fagnano was, selfless and perfectly kind

Makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck!

Honestly, I kind of wish I could un-know, to be honest.

twistedsifter on facebook People Talk About The Innocent Videos Theyve Seen That Sent Chills Down Their Spines When They Heard The Whole Story