Is He Wrong for How He Replied to His Parents About a Financial Request? Here’s What People Said.
Mo’ money, mo’ problems, right?
Well, that’s true at least some of the time…and this seems like it might be one of them!
Is this guy wrong for not wanting to help out her sister with money via his parents’ request?
Read on to get all the details and see what you think.
AITA for how I phrased my reply to my parents request for financial assistance for my sister.
“My parents had me very young. Like in high school.
They had an on again off again relationship for my childhood with my maternal grandparents actually doing most of the parenting until I was twelve and they got married and got their s**t together.
They had my sister two years after that.
I was always a second thought with them. Our vacations were suited to an infant. Our home was full of stuff for a little kid not a teen. Whatever. I got out of school and my grandpa helped me get an apprenticeship as a welder.
I enjoy the work and the money is great. I have my own rig now and just bought a house.
My sister is into ballet and she is really good. She has an opportunity to go to a summer program but it will cost a lot of money. My parents cannot afford it at all.
They asked me to help and I said no. They said that I should help her out because she looks up to me. I said no.
They said that I make more money than I need and they will have to go into debt for her to go on this program.
I offered to give them back all the money they spent on my extracurricular activities as my contribution.
They said I was being an a**hole because when I was young they couldn’t afford to pay for the stuff I was interested in. I pointed out that they are old and they still can’t afford s**t.
My grandparents said I was too harsh for how I phrased it but they know that my parents did f**k all for me growing up.
Here’s what people said on Reddit.
One person said he’s NTA and this isn’t his responsibility.

Photo Credit: Reddit
Another individual said this is what entitled parents do.

Photo Credit: Reddit
And one Reddit user said this whole thing sounds very unhealthy.

Photo Credit: Reddit
All I can say is “yikes!” Families can be very messy.

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