June 20, 2023 at 12:02 am

Is She Wrong for Embarrassing a Guy at Her Lecture? Here’s What People Said.

by Matthew Gilligan

Guy Lecture Telling Him Questions Is She Wrong for Embarrassing a Guy at Her Lecture? Here’s What People Said.

Sometimes, folks who are really obnoxious and really aggravating need to be put in their place.

But I guess sometimes from time to time, people can overdo it, too.

Did this woman overdo it when she embarrassed a guy in her lecture?

Or was she justified in what she did?

Read her story below and see what you think.

AITA for embarrassing a guy in my lecture by telling him I’m not going to answer his questions?

“I (20f) had to do a group presentation as part of my end-of-year assignment and I think it mostly went great. The presentation was 15 minutes minimum with a 15-minute question session afterwards.

There’s one guy in my course (John-21m) who many people in the course dislike. He’s the epitome of an ‘well actually’ guy who likes to be the devil’s advocate for things that shouldn’t have a devil’s advocate.

He’s embarrassed himself more than once by asking ridiculous and pointless questions to our professors that have no relevance and he’s very full of himself. I’m aware that this all may seem harsh, but this has been consistent behaviour for the past 2 years and his smarminess has isolated himself from many people in our course who don’t want to deal with him.

After our presentation, he says he has ‘several questions’ and proceeds to ask some of the most irrelevant questions. For example, in the presentation, I mentioned that one of my inspirations for the project was a trend in 2020 where grown men (usually 30-40-year-olds) would duet teenage girl’s (13-17) tiktoks mocking them; from how they liked their coffee to their prom dresses.

John’s question was ‘don’t you think they should get criticism for posting online?’. Not only was this not relevant to the project, but you could sense the tension in the room. So many people rolled their eyes and even his friend gave him a ‘shut up’ nudge.

After a few more questions which were all directed at me, not the other 3 people in the group, I admittedly got annoyed and said ‘listen, mate. I’m not going to answer any more questions from you. You’re clearly trying to grasp at straws here’.

The rest of the questions from our other peers were great and actually of substance. And overall, I feel the whole thing went well other than that one hiccup.

As we were leaving the hall, I hear John complaining to some of his friends and then I saw him going to talk to our lecturer.

I got an email from our professor asking me to join a TEAMs meeting where I was expected to apologise for ‘embarrassing’ John and something about how we were supposed to create a ‘safe space’ for our fellow peers and by being rude I didn’t do that.

He said if we can sort it out before Thursday (tomorrow) by ourselves, then great so I sent John a quick message saying I didn’t mean to be short with him but he was clearly asking pointless questions. He just replied ‘you didn’t have to be a b**ch about it’ and then blocked me.


Now let’s see what people had to say on Reddit.

One reader said she’s NTA and had some advice about what she needs to do next.

Screen Shot 2023 05 29 at 12.47.19 PM Is She Wrong for Embarrassing a Guy at Her Lecture? Here’s What People Said.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another individual said a decent professor would have shut this fiasco down.

Screen Shot 2023 05 29 at 12.48.26 PM Is She Wrong for Embarrassing a Guy at Her Lecture? Here’s What People Said.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this reader said she’s NTA and that she did the best she could.

Screen Shot 2023 05 29 at 12.48.40 PM Is She Wrong for Embarrassing a Guy at Her Lecture? Here’s What People Said.

Photo Credit: Reddit

My thoughts… guy is a dick. Pure and simple.