June 18, 2023 at 11:41 pm

People Went on the Record and Shared Their Wildest Family Secrets

by Matthew Gilligan

Wild Family Secrets The Uncle People Went on the Record and Shared Their Wildest Family Secrets

It’s family secret time, friends!

And you know what that means…

It means that it’s family SCANDAL time!

Because these AskReddit users were nice enough to share their wildest family secrets.

Read on and hang on tight!

The uncle.

“I had an uncle who would show up at our house at  random times, and it always upset my mother, but I liked him.

As a teenager, I found out that my great-grandmother had left her husband and three kids because she was pregnant by her husband’s brother.

They moved out to Los Angeles, where she gave birth to my ‘oddball’ uncle, who just wanted to connect with relatives. After he divorced her, my great-grandfather married a woman who was the cousin of my grandfather.

Rural Illinois must have been a hotbed of gossip.”

Switched at birth.

“My father’s cousin’s situation is quite unusual. We’ll call her M.

She had multiple pregnancies, but all of them ended in a stillbirth or miscarriage. When she was in her late 30s, she tried one more time, but it was stillbirth again.

M’s friend was an OB/GYN doctor in this hospital, and she knew there was a teenage girl who wanted to leave her daughter in the hospital to be sent to an orphanage. So, M’s doctor friend switched babies.

The stillborn baby was registered as the teenage girl’s, and the living baby as M’s daughter. Both mothers were in on it, and nurses as well.”

Had no idea.

“My brother called me five days before my 15th birthday to tell me that my dad, the one on my birth certificate, was not my biological dad.

And, come to find out the whole family knew this; I was the only one who didn’t know.”

Secret family.

“My father passed when I was only 8.

When I was about 15, there was a knock on the door one day. When I answered, there was an Asian guy about my age who asked for my mum. My mum came to the door, and I went into the lounge room.

I then heard her telling him to ‘F off,’ followed by the door slamming. She wouldn’t talk to me about who he was or what had happened at the time, but when I was in my 20s, she told me that my father had had an affair when he was in Macau and had a ‘secret family.’

The kid at the door was my half-brother who was trying to connect with our side of the family.”


“When I was 14, I found a letter in my house that said my parents weren’t my parents, they were my grandparents.

My older ‘sister’ was my biological mom. The letter didn’t mention my dad. My mom/grandma was super ab**ive, so I didn’t tell her that I found the letter until about a year later when she told me I wasn’t allowed to see my ‘sister’ anymore.

I asked if it was because she was my mom, and my mom/grandma said, ‘Yes, but we were never going to tell you because it ruined our family.’

I also found out later on that the reason they ended up not letting her raise me is because she almost ki**ed me in a fit of rage as a newborn.”

The affair.

“About a year before my grandfather d**d, a man in his 40s contacted us saying that my grandpa was his dad.

It came as a surprise to no one since my other uncle came into my life when I was 10. Grandpa denied his second affair child, but his last name is on his birth certificate. If he’s not the dad, then why put his last name down on the certificate?

His affair partner lived with my grandparents at the time of my supposed uncle’s conception. When the affair uncle and my grandpa last spoke, my uncle said he was headed to Mexico to live there and that he wanted him in his life, to which my grandpa said no.

That was 11 years ago, and that was the last we heard from him. He might still be alive in Mexico, but no one knows. My family has since ‘forgotten’ that memory, and no one talks about it.”

Something was off…

“I found out when I was 13 that my dad wasn’t my bio dad. I always felt like something was off.

I was so different from my dad and sisters growing up. Turns out, my mom and real dad had an affair while they both were married to other people. My sisters found out from my aunt before I knew, and it created a huge family argument.

I was totally oblivious as to why that argument happened in the first place, until I found out. I became close to both dads and actually ended up taking care of my dad that raised me before he passed away in 2014.

Just paying him back for raising me and taking care of me as his own!”

The mess that keeps on giving.

“When she was 50, my half-sister (same mother) found out that the father who had raised her was not her biological father.

Her bio father was d**d. Our mother refused to give her any real details. I believe if my father had known, he might’ve told me something about it, but he never said a word, so I’m not sure he even knew.

She has half-siblings from the bio father, who apparently always knew about her. The half-sister she had through the man she thought was her father is actually not related to her at all.

She believes that her bio father came to visit her at a place where she worked on a regular basis, but there’s no way to really prove that or know that now.

Our mom… the mess that keeps on giving!”

Uh oh.

“My mom’s mom slept with my bio dad (17) when my mom (also 17) was pregnant with me, then pushed him out of the picture before birth…just to raise me with an emotionally and physically a**sive al**holic stepfather.”

Making up for lost time.

“After joining Ancestry.com to create a family tree, I realized I matched with some woman (10 years older than me) as a ‘close relative.’

Long story short, my dad slept with a married woman who lived next to his sister one time when he was 20 (long before he and my mom were a thing). She got pregnant, knew it was his, told my aunt (who then told their mom), and they all agreed that she should just pass the baby off as her husband’s.

My half-sister is amazing, but had a really hard life due to her ‘father’ and feeling like she never quite belonged. She and her mom are estranged now, for the most part, since she found out the truth. The story has a happy ending, though!

We all connected, she comes to visit when she can, and my dad even got to walk her down the aisle a few months ago. We adore her and are trying our best to make up for lost time.”

Wow. Those were some stories!