When Dad Tells Teen “My House, My Rules” To Get Him To Cut His Long Hair, His Son Stuns Him By Moving Out Of The House
by Ryan McCarthy
Every child has heard their parents use the line “My house, my rules” at least once throughout their childhood.
It’s like it was written in big letters on the first page of the parenting handbook, a trusty response that could be pulled out any time their kid was misbehaving.
And while many of us thought to our young selves how nice it would be to have our own house where we made the rules, I don’t think many of us ever followed through!
But the same could not be said for this user, who when faced with his Father’s rules for living in his house, decided he’d rather move out than cut his long hair!
Check it out!
If you’re living in MY house, you’ll follow MY rules
My (male) hair got quite long when I was in my senior year of high school.
In a pearl-clutching southern town, this got me a fair amount of flack, but the worst was from my dad.
He’d always been kind of a tyrant, and his anger was unbearable in my later teens, so I avoided him as much as possible around the house.
But Dad took it too far when he threatened to mess with OP’s luscious locks!
One day he decided he’d had enough of my long hair, so he walked behind me with scissors and snipped them menacingly.
I jumped up and snapped at him and he shouted back something to the effect of, “If you’re living under MY roof, you’ll follow MY rules!”
And with that warning in mind, OP did something that really shocked his old man!
So the next day while he was at work I moved out. I didn’t even say “bye.”
Living in my own apartment while in high school was fun and had some perks.
When I skipped class, the school would call my apartment to tell me, “Your child was not at school today” Lol.
And surprisingly, this act of defiance actually brought OP and his Dad closer together!
He didn’t actually cut my hair. But, the fallout was that he was a lot better to be around from then on.
I think he realized that if he wanted to have a relationship with his son, he was going to have to not be such a “you-know-what!”
Well that’s one way of ending a disagreement with your parents, even if it is the most extreme way!
Reddit loved OP’s brazenness, and quickly started reminiscing about the good old days, when rent was cheap enough to cover with a minimum-wage job!
OP’s move made this user consider how different their life would have been if they had moved out at an early age.
And this user had a friend in a similar situation, but they said they doubt the same thing could happen today!
Many thought that even only 15 years ago it would be possible for someone working minimum wage to support themself at a young age.
Finally, this user was just happy the fight brought OP and his Dad together, even if they were living apart.
“Back in my day rent only used to cost two nickels, and you could buy your apartment for a crisp two dollar bill!”
Any way you slice it… that backfired!
If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.

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