July 26, 2023 at 9:35 am

‘All of my friends were on my side.’ She Didn’t Include Her Sister-In-Law in Her Bachelorette Party Photos. Is She a Jerk?

by Matthew Gilligan

AITABacheloretteWhite All of my friends were on my side. She Didn’t Include Her Sister In Law in Her Bachelorette Party Photos. Is She a Jerk?

Bachelorette parties can get pretty testy…

And if you don’t believe me, this story that a woman wrote on Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page will definitely convince you!

Sink your teeth into this beauty and see if you think this woman was out of line.

AITA for not including my SIL in photos during my bachelorette party because she wore white?

“I’m getting married (yay!) and my brother “John” asked me to include his girlfriend “Sarah” as a bridesmaid as a way to get her involved with our family since he wants to propose soon.

I wasn’t happy (she’s quite snobbish, almost in a comically villainous way. She once made fun of the fact that I get most of my groceries from the local big box superstore and not somewhere with more “high quality product”).

But I love John and it mattered a lot to him, so I agreed.

Onto the issue: on the final night of my bachelorette party, we decided to have one “big” meal that was really pricey and fancy that we all saved up for. Sarah said she had to take an emergency work meeting and for us to go ahead first (the restaurant was walkable from our hotel).

Guys, when Sarah showed up, I was FLOORED. She came in a white sparkly sequin number with a tulle skirt and a tiara. When we were planning the trip, my MOH made it abundantly clear that everyone was supposed to wear pink so we could get a really cute photo together at the restaurant.

I’m not even kidding, her outfit was so bridal looking the waitress actually asked if we were having a joint bachelorette party. I was so upset, that when it came time to take photos I absolutely refused to have Sarah in them.

She said it wasn’t her fault because she “didn’t get the memo”, but I told her it was common sense to not wear a bridal looking dress to a bachelorette party if you’re not the bride! Plus, she was in the group chat and even made comments about another girl’s outfit when we were talking about what we wanted to wear, so I know she knew!

All of my friends were on my side and they made sure she didn’t end up in the photos. When we got home, she pitched a fit to my brother saying that we bullied her at my party and deliberately left her out. She was also pissed because a lot of family and friends noticed she wasn’t in the photos and I wasn’t afraid to tell them exactly why.

My brother’s really upset though because she’s been crying and whining about it nonstop since. Apparently they’re both so mad that they’re going to skip father’s day brunch, so the whole thing is blowing up even more.

I’m starting to feel bad because my mom told me that my brother and Sarah were fighting a lot now, so I’m not sure if I’m being the AH here. My brother called me a bridezilla, but I really feel like Sarah was trying to ruin my night.”

Here’s what people had to say on Reddit.

This person said she’s NTA.

Screen Shot 2023 07 13 at 11.14.54 AM All of my friends were on my side. She Didn’t Include Her Sister In Law in Her Bachelorette Party Photos. Is She a Jerk?

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another individual has a good plan for what she needs to do next…

Screen Shot 2023 07 13 at 11.15.15 AM All of my friends were on my side. She Didn’t Include Her Sister In Law in Her Bachelorette Party Photos. Is She a Jerk?

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this Reddit user said she’s NTA and she needs to support her brother because he has to deal with this woman.

Screen Shot 2023 07 13 at 11.16.13 AM All of my friends were on my side. She Didn’t Include Her Sister In Law in Her Bachelorette Party Photos. Is She a Jerk?

Photo Credit: Reddit

Clearly, her SIL was jealous of the attention she was getting.