July 9, 2023 at 4:41 pm

He Got Mad at His Family When They Called His Fiancée His Second Wife. Is He Wrong?

by Matthew Gilligan

AITASecondWife He Got Mad at His Family When They Called His Fiancée His Second Wife. Is He Wrong?

Man, some people just don’t know when they take things too far…

And that’s never a good thing when a new person is about to join the clan!

So is this guy wrong for lashing out at his family for what they said about his fiancée?

Read on and see what he had to say.

AITA for lashing out at my family for calling my fiance my “second wife?”

“Years ago, I was married to a close friend. We were roommates, adopted a dog together, and lived together since college until our mid/late twenties (married at 24 and 25).

However, we were never actually romantically involved. She was not interested in marriage and also questioning her sexuality at the time, but her family was ultra-traditional (and messy for many other reasons) and kept pushing for her to “settle down”.

I had just gotten out of a rough long term relationship, and we kind of just both said fuck it, we basically were kind of living like a married couple, lets get married for convenience. So we did the paperwork for it, but we never had a wedding. We were also never romantically involved. She just was not my type and I was not hers. My family knew she wasn’t my wife in the traditional sense (they did HEAVILY disapprove though).

When I started getting back into the dating scene, we split up and legally divorced. She remains one of my close friends to this very day, and I care for her a lot. It’s been a few years, and I am now 32 with a lovely fiance who I cannot wait to marry. However, ever since I announced the engagement my family has been making weird comments, like:

“Oh, so Roxie’s (my dog) is getting a new step-mom!”

“Wife #2 at 32 huh? That’s a lot of wives for your age!”

“Let’s hope this 2nd one lasts!”

It makes both me and my fiance uncomfortable. I keep on saying that my close friend wasn’t really my wife in the traditional sense, but my family brushes me off by saying that they’re just joking, or she’s technically my second wife anyway so it’s not like they’re wrong.

Today at breakfast though, I blew up at them and called them disrespectful and rude for belittling my relationship. My mom and my sister both said that if I didn’t want to hear these statements, I shouldn’t have married my close friend. I threatened to not invite them to the wedding, and now things are super tense.


Now check out how people reacted to this story on Reddit.

This reader said he’s NTA but his family members are a**holes.

Screen Shot 2023 06 17 at 11.31.13 AM He Got Mad at His Family When They Called His Fiancée His Second Wife. Is He Wrong?

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another Reddit user agreed and said he needs to set his boundaries with his family.

Screen Shot 2023 06 17 at 11.31.32 AM He Got Mad at His Family When They Called His Fiancée His Second Wife. Is He Wrong?

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this individual said they don’t really understand what his family is doing here.

Screen Shot 2023 06 17 at 11.32.09 AM He Got Mad at His Family When They Called His Fiancée His Second Wife. Is He Wrong?

Photo Credit: Reddit

Boundaries are very important in ANY relationship. Set them. You’ll thank me later.