July 30, 2023 at 2:29 pm

‘I like a higher level of cleaning quality.’ Is She Wrong for Forcing Her Stepdaughter to Pay Her Back After Her House Was “Ruined?”

by Justin Gardner

Forcing Stepdaughter Pay Back AITA I like a higher level of cleaning quality. Is She Wrong for Forcing Her Stepdaughter to Pay Her Back After Her House Was Ruined?

I’m gonna go on the record here and say that if ANYONE ruined my house, they’d be paying me back for it.

Is that a crazy concept to grasp these days?!?!

I’m not sure, but perhaps this woman went a little bit too far in this story?

Get all the details below and see what you think.

AITA for forcing my stepdaughter to pay me back after she ruined my house?

“I (43F) and my husband (47M) have been married for 4 years now. We both have children from our previous marriages, (12M) and (10M) and “O” (18F). My husband and I dated for 3 years prior to getting married but moved in all together 2 years ago.

O lives with us full time and it had a bit of a rocky start with mine and O’s relationship but we managed to push through it. I told O from day one that I wasn’t her mom but if there was anything she wants to talk about or need, she can come to me. After a few months, we became quite close and she talked to me about anything she was too embarrassed to talk about with her dad.

Recently, O has been trying to make friends at College since she just started in the spring. On campus residence is very expensive for the college and its close to our house so O decided to stay at home. That’s not a problem, the problem is that O keeps bringing her friends over to hangout but living it a mess.

Normally it’s not a major deal (I have OCD so sometimes there is issues depending on the situation though) because she picks up after herself but I recently hired a housekeeper to clean the house once a week since I’ve been working overtime more often and me and my husband just don’t have time. It is expensive but I cannot stand it when it becomes too messy for me so I think it’s worth it.

This time she brought her friends over after the house was cleaned and I guess they decided not take their shoes off and walked all around the house leaving footprints. They also made pizza from scratch and left the crumbles on the counters among other things. They pretty much made the entire house filthy before I could even come home.

Once again, the cleaning service is quite expensive because I like a higher level of cleaning quality so I was p**sed. My husband is trying to make me let it go because O has always struggled making friends but I can’t let it go because of how much it cost.

I requested the exact amount I paid for the cleaning service to her Venmo and she acted all confused on why she had to pay for it. I explained that her and her friends ruined my house that was just cleaned but she insisted it wasn’t her.

I have a ring camera and I have video proof of her and her friends going into the house and they were the only ones home that day before me. I gave her two choices, pay for the damages or I stop paying for her phone. She’s complaining saying it wasn’t her and she doesn’t have the money to pay the phone bill.


Here’s how folks reacted on Reddit.

One reader said she’s an a**hole and that this is how she’ll ruin her relationship with her stepdaughter.

Screen Shot 2023 04 30 at 2.00.49 PM copy I like a higher level of cleaning quality. Is She Wrong for Forcing Her Stepdaughter to Pay Her Back After Her House Was Ruined?

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this reader said this is totally unreasonable of this woman.

Screen Shot 2023 04 30 at 2.01.06 PM copy I like a higher level of cleaning quality. Is She Wrong for Forcing Her Stepdaughter to Pay Her Back After Her House Was Ruined?

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another individual said nothing was “ruined” and it can be cleaned.

Screen Shot 2023 04 30 at 2.01.46 PM copy I like a higher level of cleaning quality. Is She Wrong for Forcing Her Stepdaughter to Pay Her Back After Her House Was Ruined?

Photo Credit: Reddit

Yeah, the idea that this “ruined” her house is a BIG stretch.