What Will You Never Forgive Your Parents For? People Shared Their Stories.
by Matthew Gilligan
Is there something that you’ll never, ever forgive your parents for?
There are a hell of a lot of people out there who do feel this way and these AskReddit users went on the record and poured out their hearts about this.
Check out what they had to say.
“Dad invited his nephew who was fresh out of jail for k**ling his own father, to stay at our place for a while.
I was 3 at the time and he s**ually ab**ed me multiple times, and my dad would still have him babysit me.
When my mom learned and wanted to take legal action he fought her all the way, because family is family. Thank God I have my mom, she fought for me before I was able to.
I don’t remember a lot from it, because of CPTSD but some of the things she has told me are horrifying and explains a whole lot now that I am older.”
Blamed it on you.
“Close to Christmas when I was around 10 years old, I was home alone when there was a knock on the door. I answered and it was one of my mum’s acquaintances.
He told me that he’d spoken to my mum and needed to come in to pick some stuff up, so off he went upstairs and proceeded to steal all of the Christmas presents that were destined to be placed under the tree for my brother, sister and I on Christmas morning.
I was oblivious to what the stuff that needed to be picked up was.
Mum comes home 30 minutes later, asks if anybody came round whilst she was out.
Proud as punch I say “yup, Craig came round and picked the stuff up you told him about”.
Oh c**p.
Mum runs upstairs….
“he’s stolen all of your Christmas presents, you’ll have nothing for Christmas now!”
High drama, anger and profound guilt filled the entire house for the remainder of the night and a while after.
About 6 months later I overheard a conversation I shouldn’t have and figured out that there were no Christmas presents to start with, the whole thing was a setup.
The household budget didn’t stretch to maintaining existence, sating a rampaging he**in addiction AND Christmas presents.
So yeah, my mum concocted a perfect plan to hide the lack of Christmas presents, remove herself from any perceived blame and let a 10 year old boy think that he had ruined Christmas.
Those were the days!”
“After their divorce, my mom tried to convince my brother and me that our dad never wanted us and never loved us.
My dad is the sweetest man. I’ll never fully forgive my mom. She said some more f**ked up s**t too.
I know she was just heartbroken and tried to hurt him, but that is no excuse to hurt your kids in the process.”
“My mom told me she was glad I was going to school all day the next year, since I wouldn’t be wasting space at home.
I had just been s**ually a**sed and couldn’t get out of bed when I came back home from school.”
Great guy…
“My dad used to tell us all the time how my step mom was the most important person in his life and how he wished he never had kids.
When he was d**ng his wife was already moved on to her next man and didn’t even go see him the day he d**d because “she had other stuff she needed to do first.” I’ll never forgive him for putting her above us.”
That sucks.
“Force me to give all my original star wars and action man toys to my little cousins.. which they absolutely destroyed within 3 months.
Would be worth a fortune now.”
“Taking back an abusive partner who h**ed me even after telling the world all the horrible s**t she did.
It became clear to me that I could be a perfect angel and successful and I would never be as good as a dr**ken, circular saw-wielding maniac who took her h**red of my other parent out on me, constantly made personal attacks, denies she ever did anything wrong and brainwashed my mother into defending her actions.
Then when I called her out for her behavior, she accused me of being ho**phobic.
When her b**ch of a partner d**s, I guarantee she’ll be all over me. But she will get no favor from me.”
Major family issues.
“My brother mo**sted me when we were kids.
Mom and dad were al**holic and just oblivious to anything going on in the house. As an adult I came forward to my mother about it.
She cried and then pretended the next day that I had never said anything. Still asks me why I won’t have a relationship/let my children around him.”
Cut off.
“Not allowing me enough social freedom.
I’m gonna be 18 soon and I have no friends because I wasn’t allowed to attend most social events.
Planning to go far away from for college to change this.”
At war with each other.
“They both used me and my siblings to attack and hurt each other.
Instead of realizing that we should come first, they selfishly made the divorce about themselves and their happiness at the expense of the other and apparently the kids. Everyone was much worse off in the end
Divorce sucks but when you have kids, try to make them as comfortable and secure as possible while being mature adults. My relationship skills are fucked because of them.”
Parents… do better!

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