‘My sister and mom said we should just give them to my sister’s twin daughters.’ Dad Wonders If He’s Wrong For Not Giving Away His Late Daughter’s Unopened Birthday Gifts
by Trisha Leigh
I feel like I need to give you a fair warning about this post, because regardless of the no-nonsense tone it’s written in, it will rip your heart out.
OP raised his daughter on his own, and when she was 14, she was diagnosed with cancer. It spread quickly and he describes her as incredibly brave through the process.
I (m41) am a single dad to my daughter (14). Her mom couldn’t care less about our daughter so it’s always been my daughter and I.
Almost 2 years ago my daughter got diagnosed with cancer at first it was Leukima but it eventually spread to her brain. Watching her go through this made me realize how strong and tough my girl is.
It was her birthday recently, but she ended up being in the hospital and wanted to wait to open her presents when she got home.
Except she passed away before she ever got the chance.
On the 9th my daughter unexpectedly got admitted to the hospital.
Her birthday was the next day and she told me she wanted to wait until she got home to open presents and celebrate her birthday. So she and I ended up eating cake and watching movies in her hospital room for her bday.
After that Her health declined pretty rapidly A week later (the 17th) she passed away.
Now his family thinks he should re-gift her unopened presents to his nieces who have a birthday coming up, but OP wants to give them to a children’s charity.
I had all her presents ready in the recliner she always sits in for when she came home. Well that never happened so they have been just sitting there. The family had also brought over gifts for her mostly simple things they knew she would like clothes, blankets, water bottles, etc. I got her an Ipad as well as a few small things.
This morning my mom, dad, and sister came over to my house for the first time since she passed. We were going to make a picture board and slide show for her funeral.
After we started working on both my sister noticed the presents and asked if my daughter ever opened them. I explained she wanted to wait until she got home to celebrate/open presents. And I haven’t felt right moving them yet.
My sister and mom said we should just give them to my sister’s twin daughters who are turning 13 in about 2 weeks. I said I wouldn’t feel comfortable knowing my nieces are using gifts meant for my daughter.
And if I was to do anything with the gifts I would donate the ones I can to the children’s hospital.
My mom and sister argued that it’s right to keep the gifts in the family rather than going to complete strangers and I’m just being a selfish AH.
Is he really being selfish, or are they way out of line?
Let’s let Reddit give him – or them – the hard truth.
You can feel the rage spilling out of the top comment.
This person agrees that the audacity and lack of empathy is just off the charts.
The whole situation took place four days after his daughter passed. They had not even buried her yet.
This commenter says there is no way this man could ever be the a$$hole no matter what.
They’re wondering how they will even be able to look him in the eye, honestly.
I cannot believe there are people this heartless in the world.
Nevermind in one’s own family. Ouch.
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