Her Boyfriend Cooked Her Dinner And She Shared Some Of It With Her Dog. Was She Wrong?
by Justin Gardner
For anybody who has a dog… you know that they LOVE people food. And they’ll do anything to get it.
This story involves a woman who seems to have taken a bit of liberty when feeding her dog “table scraps” that her boyfriend made for dinner.
But did her boyfriend overreact? Was she wrong?
Let’s take a look…
AITA for feeding my dog table scraps from a dinner my boyfriend made for us?
“I(24F) have been dating Jay(28M) for four months.
He is handsome, smart, funny, well-educated, has an awesome job, and is a sweetheart. Sunday he had a whole day planned for us. We were going to walk a nature trail and then go back to his place for dinner he was making. I was so excited because it was going to be the first time I’d be at his house. Since we were hiking he said I could bring my dog Shelby with us.
He made us a roast and some vegetables for dinner. I finished my plate before Jay did and took it to the kitchen. There was still about half the roast left and it was close to Shelby’s dinner time so I took half of the half of roast and some still raw vegetables from the fridge to put on a plate for Shelby. I was carrying the plate to the back door with Shelby to feed her outside and Jay asked me what I was doing. I told him feeding Shelby.
Jay said something like “Well that’s not dog food.” Jay knows I mainly feed Shelby a raw diet. I opened the door to put the plate down for Shelby and Jay got up, took the plate away from her, went to the kitchen and came back with it wrapped up in tinfoil and told me to leave.
His excuse was that he made dinner for me and him, not me, him, and my dog and that I should’ve asked before I helped myself since he would’ve used his leftovers. I did leave but not before telling him that he made that meal for us so I could do with some of it as I pleased and he knew d**n well how I feed Shelby.
I tried talking to my friend about it later that night but she said Jay was right to be upset but this friend has never really approved of how I treat my own dog so I feel like she was probably a bit biased and the wrong person to ask.
AITA for just feeding my dog like I normally would?”
The folks on Reddit definitely had some opinions, and it really focuses on her view of these being “table scraps” and not a special meal that her boyfriend cooked for the two of them.
Yeah, she’s the a-hole according to this commenter.

Photo Credit: Reddit
And this person pointed out that food like this is actually pretty expensive…

Photo Credit: Reddit
And another person said her entitlement seems to be off the charts.
Because she took MORE food out of his fridge…. without asking.

Photo Credit: Reddit
Yeah girl… you wrong. Very wrong.
Good luck with finding somebody who would ever put up with this.

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