‘I went alone to different dealers, used my money, my credit…’ Woman Asks if She’s Wrong For Insisting On Calling A New Cars Hers
by Matthew Gilligan
If you actually purchase a car, you kind of have the right to call it YOUR car, right?
At least I think so!
But you know how people can be…
And this woman seems a little fired up that her husband keeps calling the car “OURS.”
Is she acting like an a**hole?
Check out what she had to say…
AITA for calling it MY car?
“I recently bought my dream car. My husband loves it too!
But today he kept calling it OUR car and using WE when talking about ownership.
I corrected him, and said it was not OUR car. It is MY car.
I went alone to different dealers, used my money, my credit, and it is in my name only. But he was offended that I do not consider it belonging to the both of us. We pretty much split everything 50/50 because he gets weird about money.
We have separate accounts and it has worked really well for us so far. I know more traditional marriages share everything with their partner. But as I said, he gets really possessive of his money, so I always felt it best to keep money separate so we can avoid conflict.
I guess he feels entitled to the new car since we are married. But I feel like if he didn’t love the car, he wouldn’t care to ever claim ownership.
So AITA for saying it is strictly MY car not OUR car?”
Now let’s see how people reacted to this story.
One person said she’s NTA and made a good point.

Photo Credit: Reddit
Another Redditor agreed and said they think they know what’s going on with her husband.

Photo Credit: Reddit
And this individual said she’s NTA but she should look into how her state deals with this stuff.

Photo Credit: Reddit
Listen, if he set into the motion the idea that his money is his and her money is hers… it serves him right.

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