‘Mr. Belding from Saved by the Bell.’ When Were the Bad Guys in a Story Actually Right? People Shared Their Thoughts.
by Justin Gardner
Have you ever read a book or watched a movie or a TV show and, after you let it all sink in, thought that the “bad guy” was actually the one who was right?
We’ve all been there at some point!
And I guess it happens more than we think because a bunch of AskReddit users gave good examples of this happening.
Take a look!
For real.
“Mr. Belding from Saved by the Bell.
Zack Morris is a f**king sociopath and his friends enabled and in some cases cheerfully alongside him.”
“That weird episode of Friends where Phoebe is convinced her d**d mother is reincarnated as a cat so she tries to steal it from it’s owners and Ross is presented as the bad guy for pointing out how ridiculous this is.”
What do you think?
“Both Gilmore Girls and nearly everyone they dated.
Especially Rory.
“How dare he not let me cheat on him or randomly string him along for years?””
Let that sink in.
“Todd and Margo in National Lampoons Christmas Vacation.
I can’t imagine living next to someone so inconsiderate.
He even caused literal property damage yet they are still uptight jerks?”
Top Gun.
“All Iceman ever wanted was for Maverick to respect safety protocols instead of hot dogging all the time.”
Now you get it.
“Every single Donald Duck cartoon.
Dude usually just wants to chill out without being bothered and there’s always someone bothering him and then he gets blamed for standing up for his own needs.
The older I get, the more I empathize with Donald Duck.”
“The entire season of Inhumans.
Maximus is right is attempting to free slaves… But the show is telling us to cheer for Black Bolt and the royal family.”
Great character.
“Red from That ’70s Show.
I never saw Red as the “bad guy.” He was a father.
Hard and strict, yes, but also emotionally supportive to his son when he really needed it, and financially supportive to his son’s friends when they really needed it as well.”
A hot take.
“Police Academy.
They let a bunch of v**lent, unstable, dishonest d**dbeats into the police force, and the Chief of Police was supposed to be OK with that?
He was doing the public a favor by trying to weed out the worst ones.”
Check out this one.
“Peter Rabbit.
He was a thief, a glutton, a trespasser, a burglar. A naughty little rabbit.
Meanwhile, Mr. MacGregor only wanted to produce something of value and feed his family.”
Weird movie.
“Mrs Doubtfire because Pierce Brosnan was really nice and was a lonely middle aged man who wanted a family but Mrs Doubtfire was so mean to him and even tried to k**l him with pepper knowing he was allergic!”
Lighten up!
“Katherine Hiegl’s character in Knocked Up.
When I watched it as a teenager I thought she was a frigid b**ch who needed to lighten up and let Seth Rogan’s character have fun.
Now, as an adult in my 30s I’m like wow, that dude did not have his s**t together. I get why she was stressed out!”
“School of Rock.
The principal and teachers are conned by a d**dbeat who takes their kids’ education hostage for half a year and then eventually the kids themselves for his own dream of winning Battle of the Bands at some random bar.”
See! Sometimes the bad guys aren’t so bad.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · askreddit, bad guys, entertainment, reddit, top, villains, weird, white text
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