August 7, 2023 at 3:49 pm

People Talk About The Professions That Attract People Who Are Pure Evil

by Trisha Leigh

Profession Attracts Evil People AR People Talk About The Professions That Attract People Who Are Pure Evil

People like to say that there are bad people in every profession, even the noble ones, but are there some jobs where there are no good people to be had?

These folks say yes, and here’s where they think you can find them.

Every last one.

Mega church pastor.

Also real pharmaceuticals.

that job that eleanor was on The Good Place, a sales rep for fake pharmaceuticals to people.

I was a drug rep for like 3-4 months when I was in college and I quit because it felt so scummy schmoozing with Dr’s and the their office girls to essentially bribe them to push your company’s meds.

I felt gross about it and I was just pushing allergy medication lol. Imagine those soulless oxy pushers. It’s was easy and you just went around and spend the pharmas money though.

That’s criminal.

people who sell a certain kind of porn that I’m not sure I’m allowed to mention without getting banned.

Full stop.

Anyone involved with children’s beauty pageants. ANYONE.

Once more for the people in the back.

All religious leaders who claim god wants you to give your money to them.

You know who you are.

MLM executive.

Just predators.

Mediums (the people who pretend to talk to dead people and charge distraught people for it)

I have a really visceral reaction to psychics and mediums and the like. I remember my mother, bound and determined to figure out what the future held paying these scam artists money we couldn’t lose, to be told vague bulls*%t about how “we were gonna scrape by” month after month.

Predators, the lot of them.

Seems pretty cringe.

My girlfriend works for a funeral home and I gotta say, the sales staff.

They utilize several manipulative tactics on vulnerable people (often elderly) to upsell coffins, funeral plots, flower arrangements, etc.

It’s absolutely disgusting how they take advantage of people at the worst moments of their lives, all in the name of “honoring the memory of the loved one”

I told my girlfriend she can honor my memory by disposing of my carcass as cheaply as possible and going on a vacation or something.

Pranks are supposed to be funny.

Video prankers

This is the a profession in the same way that stealing money from the church donations box each week is a profession.

The young and naive.

Phone scammers.

As an ex “Telecommunications Specialist” I can 100% say that it’s a career field where they prey on the young and naive by being like “Rewarding Career! No degree required!” and then they suck you into it and basically make you feel like you’re the biggest POS in the world if you don’t continue being a POS to people on the phone.

I’ve seen a lot of people’s mental health absolutely deteriorate in those offices.

The lot of them.

The A-hole health insurance companies hire to deny health insurance claims

Nothing is free.

Time share sales.

Our 6 Flags here does free tickets for Veterans Day for Active Duty and vets. Being curious I took my stepdaughter ticket and parking. As we wandered around I thought “Man, how are they eating the admissions loss?”

Sure as hell we rounded a corner and there were a DOZEN or more tables set up for time shares, raffles for crap, basically anyone who paid a fee to hawk their stuff could get in.

Was like walking through buzzards.

The devil himself.

Whoever pushes college kids to sign-up for credit cards.

The lowest.


Anthony Padilla’s video “I spent a day with paparazzi” is interesting. They’re sneaky and quick…

They said what they said.

Top level politicians and bankers.

That’s karma.

One of my father’s best friends that he grew up with was a successful used car salesman, who opened a payday loan business, which of course charged insane interest rates to people who could never afford to fully pay off their loans.

He was also a very vocally and publicly “devout Christian”. The theocratic kind that believe that their personal religious beliefs should be forced on everyone else in society, by law.

I pointed out to him that the Bible explicitly condemns charging interest and that it is a sin, particularly as it relates to charging interest against the poor. His argument was that charging interest was forbidden for Jews to charge against Jews, as it was OT scripture. As a Christian he could charge anything to anyone he wanted.

The Obama Administration enacted stricter regulations against payday lenders that ended up putting him out of business. He lost everything. He then had to apply for a loan and actually had the audacity to complain about the interest rate.

Karma is a b*%ch, Charlie. You got what you deserved.

Pretty gross.


Only topped by influencer who expose their kids life.

It’s hard to argue with some of the logic.

Still, there have to be some good ones, right?