People Share The Inside Info From The Industry They’re Currently Working In
Most industries have their little secrets, and unless you’ve worked in them, you might never know the very best ones.
Enter Reddit, where nothing stays secret for long – especially not when it’s nice and juicy.
You can usually tell.
Some therapists/counselors are on the wrong side of the couch, so to speak.
If you feel your mental health provider is unhinged, they may very well be.
It seems obvious, but…
I design slot machines for casinos… don’t play slots.
Two little tricks.
Change your dirty furnace filters and clean your ac coils outside.. these make up an easy 30% of my calls for no heat/cooling. EDIT- more attention than I thought. So real quick you have two coils, inside and outside.
Your furnace filter keeps the inside one clean so make sure that filter is clean!! Outside coil- kill power to the unit, removed the coil guard and top (usually 5/16 or 1/4 nut driver and like 20 screws). Don’t use high pressure water simply on a shower setting and hold it a few inches away from the coil.
Do from both ways. Button that beauty up and wait for it to dry before turning power back on. Your head pressures are gonna love you. EDIt2- oh don’t forget to blow your condensate line more than your husband!(prevents water flowing back into the unit from a block)
It’s not OK.
I’m a server. No matter how much we insist it’s “okay” that you are keeping the entire restaurant open after we’ve closed, please know we are 100% lying.
We will get fired if we deviate from anything other than pure delight that you are keeping us from going home.
We dread it. Please don’t believe us.
The ugly truth.
At goodwill 50% of what you donate ends up in the trash bc we don’t have the space for it or we just deem it too ugly
Love to go around.
Managed boarding and grooming kennels for 8 years: the secret is that the employees actually do love your pets too. Even the difficult ones, most of us realize they just miss their people.
The number of times I’ve weeped when a pet died, or spent way too many hours comforting a dog with separation anxiety, or spent hours off the clock with a boarder who needed to be rushed to a vet office…wouldn’t trade it for the world.
Some pets just suck though, not gonna lie.
Promotion material.
As a Software Engineer, double your delivery date for a product in anticipation of an over eager Project Manager trying to get promoted.
It’s not a secret.
I’m an attorney. The secret is shut the f**k up.
Don’t check your pets.
Former aircraft fueler. Don’t check your pets in kennels. Especially in summer or winter. They are submitted to some very harsh environments, left on belt loaders in the sweltering heat right next to a running APU that’s loud enough to deafen human ears, let alone a dog’s. It’s terrible. I always feel so sorry for them.
American Airlines will destroy your luggage. They get overloaded on carts, fall off on the way to the plane, and are left there to get run over by tankers and yes, fuelers, and rained on, then dragged to the edge of the ramp to sit all night while you arrive at your destination and wonder where the hell your bags are.
If your departure is delayed, 90% of the time it’s us (the fueler). Look out the window to the right side if it’s a small plane, left side if it’s a really big plane. If there’s a truck sitting under the wing, we’re the reason you’re late. Sorry.
EDIT: Look guys, I don’t know what it’s like for the pets on the flight. I’ve only seen them countless times left in kennels on belt loaders in the hot sun next to an engine. I was a fueler at DFW International for 6 years. I don’t have insider knowledge of the airlines beyond my station. I would advise against checking pets if you can help it, but I don’t have any advice beyond that. There are some people in these comments that worked for the airlines and have better knowledge.
2nd EDIT: Just want to let you guys know the pets in kennels are not always left outside. It’s not an every day occurrence and it’s not just AAL that does it, I just fueled more AAL than anything else. But I’ve seen it happen more than enough times.
Don’t be a snob.
I used to work in jewelry. Most of the prettiest gemstones are also very affordable.
Tanzanite is a beautiful purple and looks nicer than amethyst.
Topaz comes in lots of colors, including a pretty blue color which can be as nice as aquamarine.
Opals aren’t as brightly rainbow hued as they look in pictures.
Thanks, I hate it.
If you’re someone who purchases bulk nuts, grains, etc. Just know that those bins are probably rarely cleaned, and even when they are “cleaned”, odds are they were just rinsed out/wiped down to look clean.
I used to be a bulk buyer at Whole Foods Market and when I took over our bulk department had no cleaning logs or sanitizing procedure. The bins had moths/insect colonies and mold in them. Our store was opened nearly 5 years prior.
Close your eyes.
Almost every hairstylist gets the heebie jeebies when we shampoo your hair and you just stare up at us. CLOSE. YOUR. DAMN. EYES at the shampoo bowl!
Being nice goes a long way.
You’d be surprised how willingly someone will do their job and even go above and beyond if you just compliment them for their professionalism, politeness and how they are helping them.
Believe in yourself.
Used to screen resumes for small companies. Job “requirements” are more of a wish-list situation.
Never let some unchecked boxes deter you from applying – you have no idea what the applicant pool is like.
The biggest boon, especially at small companies, is someone who legitimately cares.
Don’t buy our photos.
Worked at a department store photography studio owned by a major photography company that you can imagine probably took your school yearbook photos. The company also is partnered with a popular online photo order website.
Notice how quickly we write down a price, strike it out, and write a new price as the deal? Yeah, that’s pretty much just the price that everyone gets. We aren’t doing the math that fast, we have it memorized because almost everyone that comes in has that 40% off coupon.
Don’t come in without a coupon, there is ALWAYS a coupon on the website. If you end up paying for sitting fees, it’s because you just didn’t go on our website.
Honestly, don’t buy our photos. If you just do the session and say that you’ll buy them online later (on said partnered photo order site), it’ll be cheaper than if you buy them in-store that day. (Yes, even when we say “oh but you won’t get THIS deal online!”).
If you do buy in-studio that day, just by the digital CD of your photos. You get to keep all of them instead of having to pick your favorite 3-4 pictures. Oh, and again, it is way cheaper to take that CD to a photo kiosk and have them printed yourself.
Please don’t spend $400 on a couple photos that you can’t legally copy when you could have gotten an $80 CD of ALL the photos and have the copyright to them.
Butter for days.
There is way more butter than you think in almost every dish you eat at fancy restaurants, and that is usually the reason you won’t see the amount of calories in each dish.
Source: 5 years as a chef in Italian cuisine head chef, 8 years in an Italian kitchen
Edit: Since it has been asked, If I could recomend one guide book for you all to have in your kitchen it would be Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat: Mastering the Elements of Good Cooking by Samin Nosrat. Yes there are plethora of others but this one is my personal favorite.
Grab the dish soap.
Construction boy here. If your windows or sliding doors are tough to open and close. 9 times out of 10, we put your own dish soap on tracks and the thing works perfectly.
It take 5 minutes and we charge 150. Dish soap people, its better than wd40 sometimes
Don’t panic.
The scents they “discontinue” at Bath & Body Works will come back with a different name and new marketing. They’re just recycling the scents.
There are sooo many fragrances that are rebranded and recolored to a different flavor. Fragrance oil is absolutely 100% the most expensive part of any shower gel or foaming soaps we made. Odds are they have hundreds of thousands of pounds of these oils in warehouses all over the US, so they just rebrand it as something else, its not like they are going to scrap it.
Also, all this shit you see on the labels of shower gels and foaming soaps that say “enriched with vitamin E” or “contains aloe vera extract” is complete absolute fucking bullshit. We made our batches in sizes of 40,000lbs. In a 40k lb batch, you had about 2 ounces of vitamin E you would add to the batch, and barely enough aloe extracts to even get it out of the fucking cup to add it to the batch. They add the absolute BARE MINIMUM to have it on the label, as required by FDA. Foaming soaps are also about 65% water, so they make an absolute killing selling them.
I feel like I could read even more of these.
Maybe I will.

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