August 28, 2023 at 1:33 pm

Robotic Fertilization Is The First Step Toward Less Expensive In-Vitro Technology

by Trisha Leigh

IVFRoboticPlayStation Robotic Fertilization Is The First Step Toward Less Expensive In Vitro Technology

For people (who have money) who want to have children but can’t, in-vitro fertilization – or IVF – can help.

Traditionally, this is accomplished by a scientist or technician loading sperm cells into a syringe and then, with the use of a microscope, injecting those cells into a handful of eggs in a petri dish.

iStock 1321816085 Robotic Fertilization Is The First Step Toward Less Expensive In Vitro Technology

Photo Credit: iStock

Because of all the labor involved, the process is costly – around $20K an attempt – which is one reason different companies are working on ways to automate it.

One of those companies is Overture Life, and they’ve had recent success – in the form of two healthy baby girls – with an insemination robot controlled by a PlayStation 5 controller.

A student engineer used the controller to steer a robotic IVF needle, depositing a single sperm cell into human eggs.

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Photo Credit: iStock

According to experts like Weill Cornell Medical Center fertility doctor Gianpiero Palermo, there is still a long way to go until the process can benefit from the cost-cutting effects of full automation, though.

“The concept is extraordinary, but this is a baby step.”

And, since the engineers at Overture still had to manually load the sperm cells into the needles, this is “not yet robotic ICSI.”

That said, it is a step in the right direction.

I’m sure that people out there who desire children, but don’t have $20K in the bank, are watching and are hopeful as well.