‘She squeezed a disgusting amount of mustard in her hand then ate it.’ Folks Own Up To The Strange Reasons They’ve Left A Relationship
Sometimes you just know things aren’t going to work out in a relationship, but ending things can still be a tough call to make.
Your reasons might be strange but as long as you’re sure you’re doing the right thing, you have to make the move.
These folks did just that, and even though others might find their reasons a bit odd, they’ve stuck to their guns.
Definitely weird on all fronts.
She would speak French to herself in the mirror at home, and then she would do it at restaurants thinking it made her sound s*xy, I guess? I don’t know.
Here’s the thing…. She knew not one word of French. She had no desire to learn a single word of French. She just spoke gibberish that sounded VAGUELY like French.
She was a full grown woman in her late 20s. College degree and a job. She started doing it around the second month into our relationship.
That s*%t embarrassed the hell out of me. I know a few words and even offered to teach her – foreign student taught me how to say, “I love a lobster” and other weird s*%t that we both thought was hilarious while getting baked.
She said she didn’t want to learn. She just wanted to act like she was speaking French.
She couldn’t handle the pirate life.
In the early 2010ish era I was in college and went out for Halloween.
And met a guy dressed as a pirate that looked like Johnny Depp dressed as a pirate, it was the era of those movies.
We started dating and I realized he looked like a pirate 24/7/365 and I couldn’t handle it.
You’ve gotta think about the dog.
Her dog was teaching my dog to howl at sirens.
How can that not be cool?
We saw an owl while driving in a road and I thought it was so cool to see it fly over us and land in a nearby tree.
She thought I was crazy.
I mean…it’s an owl. How can it not be cool?
Deeply uncomfortable.
She added me to her family’s group chat after a week of dating.
I was about 16 at that time and felt much pressure.
She thought she got the answer to the crossword, when it was actually me.
It’s funny…until it’s you.
He had posture & hands like Mr. Burns from the Simpsons
Does not compute.
Never wanted to get tacos.
Big red flags.
She broke up with me and tried to argue with me about it for four days.
I kept telling her that she broke up with me and she kept saying “Yeah but, don’t you want me?” Not if you don’t want me. Why are we still talking?
Go away, you suck.
Louder is not good.
He talked so fast that I often couldn’t understand him.
When I would ask him to please talk slower, he would talk LOUDER.
But justasfast.
Run faster.
I wouldn’t say break up, because it was only the 2nd date.
We went to go see one of the Avengers movies, which I was really excited for. The guy and I had seemingly been hitting it off after our initial meet up and a few weeks of phone banter.
He’s talking and asking questions during the movie, which is fine, not a big deal, but then he leans in and tells me how comfortable he is around me and wants to know if I’d be okay with putting him in a diaper. (Hard nope for me). This is also not a conversation I want to tackle in a theater. So I downplay and misdirect the talking towards watching the movie.
Once it’s over, I am booking it to my car, telling him I’ve got to get home to help my friend and he grabs my hand, pulls me in for a hug and says, “I think I’m falling in love with you.”
I say “thanks” hop in my car and peel out of there. Texted him that I’m not a compatible match for him and immediately blocked.
Pancakes don’t spin.
We had an argument about the way the world works.
I thought it worked as a globe he thought it worked as a pancake.
Bless her heart.
She insisted that the phrase where two options were basically the same was “8 of one half dozen of another”.
I told her it was 6 which is a half dozen. She told me you say it your way I’ll say it mine.
Citizen’s arrest.
She threw garbage out my truck window while driving down the road.
First date-last date.
What in the absolute heck.
I dated a guy that didn’t brush his teeth, I refused to kiss him and I was very honest with him and told him he needed to.
I was sensitive at first but he would flat out refuse which was the breaking point and I broke up with him because of it.
He had pieces of things in his teeth that were still there the next time I saw him. I’m a dental nurse too so I’m not sure what he thought was going to happen.
It still gives me the wiggins.
That’s not normal.
His feet smelled. I mean so bad.
They were so bad one night I thought he s**t the bed.
Wasn’t going to go the long haul with that.
I have so many questions.
She squeezed a disgusting amount of mustard in her hand then ate it.
I mean, any reason is a good one if it’s true.
Don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise.

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