August 21, 2023 at 7:11 pm

What Well Known Person Did Terrible Things But They Haven’t Been Held Accountable? Here’s What People Had to Say.

by Justin Gardner

Horrible People Not Accountable AR What Well Known Person Did Terrible Things But They Havent Been Held Accountable? Here’s What People Had to Say.

Hey, it is what it is…

I’m talking about people with money and power being able to get away with things that regular folks like you and me wouldn’t be able to in a million years…

Yes, it’s sad…but it’s true…

And today we’re going to hear from AskReddit users about famous people who have done terrible things but are still popular.

Let’s take a look…


“Marion Zimmer Bradley (author of The Mists of Avalon and the Darkover series, among others) was horribly a**sive to her daughter, and procured for and shielded her p**ophile husband.

If you read her books knowing that, especially Darkover, you can definitely see her f**ked up opinions on consent and what makes a healthy relationship reflected in the relationships she’s written for her characters.”

A real creep.

“Let me just tell you that the weather man from my hometown has more than a dozen aggravated a**ault charges from beating his wife and is still worshiped.

I h**e the man and all that he stands for.”

A wild story.

“Boy George.

Look up the story about him falsely imprisoning a male escort.

It’s crazy.”


“Jerry Lee Lewis: was married seven times, and a couple overlapped.

The third marriage (at age 22) was to his first cousin once removed who was 13 at the time. She had a son at 14 that d**d in a pool accident at age three. She divorced Jerry at age 19 for adultery and abuse (physical and mental).

His fourth marriage ended, during a divorce, with his wife drowning in a pool, which I find suspicious. His fifth marriage ended with his wife having a drug overdose, and unproven allegations of abuse and a theory he may have k**led her.

Aside from dr**k driving, tax evasion and the one time Elvis had him arrested when Jerry crashed a car, dr**k, into his gate waving a pistol, he also did some charming things like suing his own kids and accidentally shooting his bassist in the gut.”

Still working.

“Roman Polanski.

I can’t for the life of me understand why people still work with him. He has won academy awards that he couldn’t accept in person because he can’t enter the US.

You know, because he drugged and ra**d a teenager.”

Should be in jail?

“Ezra Miller should be in jail. And he could still very much go to jail, but he hasn’t been sentenced to anything yet.

Some of his crimes were felonies, so they’ve got at least 3 years to make their move. Authorities will often investigate right up until the statute of limitations to make their arrests.”


“Anyone in the Church of Scientology.

My sweetheart of a sister-in-law joined the cult.

Without telling my brother, she applied for several credit cards with high credit limits and maxed them out to give them money (She’s a doctor).”


“She’s no longer alive, but Coco Chanel is still seen by many as a cultural & fashion icon, but my gosh was she a nasty piece of work!

During her life she sold her failing business to the Jewish Wertheimer family, who built it into a successful and profitable perfume house. She then turned them in to the Na**s and had their assets seized and transferred back to her as a ‘pure Aryan’, achieving sole ownership of the company.

She worked with & for for N**i intelligence throughout WWII and had a hand in several anti Jewish and other intelligence operations.

When the Na**s fell, she gave free perfume to GIs to bribe her way out of immediate incarceration, fleeing to Switzerland.

She ultimately escaped punishment after the war as Winston Churchill directly intervened on her behalf. This was allegedly due to blackmail, as she had knowledge about high level politicians / members of the Royal Family and their close N**i connections that would have been disastrous were it be made public.

She d**d an old & very rich lady revered by many, with the full details of her horrible past only really coming to light after she d**d.”

We’ll see how that goes.

“I hear Bill Cosby is planning a comedy tour for next year…hoping for a complete boycott.”

Heard about this?

“David Eddings and his wife Leigh, authors who wrote several bestselling fantasy series.

They’re pretty niche compared to everything else in this post, but worth mentioning as they had a horrible child ab**e conviction prior to writing books.

Starting in the 80s they authored a few popular series of what would now be called YA fantasy, but prior to that they were both found guilty of severe physical ab**e of their adopted son and had both their children (they’d also adopted a baby girl, separately) taken from them by the state. David actually wrote his first novel High Hunt while in prison. He had been a professor at a local college at the time of their arrest.

Their child ab**e was unconscionable: they kept a four-year-old boy locked in the dark in an improvised cage under their basement stairs. His cage featured a crude bed with restraining straps, a toilet made out of a bucket, and tools used to harm him like a large needle and a paddle or strap that they beat him with.

They were arrested, found guilty, and each served short prison terms. After prison David and Leigh went on to write several bestselling series of fantasy novels, including The Belgariad, The Malloreon, The Elenium, The Dreamers, and The Tamuli.

David d**d in 2009, and most of their fans don’t seem to know anything about their history of child abuse.”

Wow… I never knew some of these stories.

Truly horrifying…