August 5, 2023 at 6:18 am

Woman Wonders How She Could Possibly Be Happy To Learn Her Sister-In-Law Is Pregnant

by Trisha Leigh

NoCongratsOnPregnancy Woman Wonders How She Could Possibly Be Happy To Learn Her Sister In Law Is Pregnant

It’s fairly universally acknowledged that to lose a child is one of the most traumatic events a person can go through.

OP has been trying to get pregnant for a long time and when she did, they ended up having to terminate the pregnancy and deliver the stillborn boy due to catastrophic medical issues.

I had to terminate my pregnancy 3 weeks ago due to my babies brain not forming correctly. My partner and I had been trying for over a year to fall pregnant, I was crying about not being pregnant constantly and even went and seen a hypnotist to get me to stop obsessing, we were just starting to look into IVF when we fell pregnant spontaneously and we were so damn happy.

We were half way through the pregnancy when the Drs were starting to get worried about the scans. To save a long and heartbreaking story short, our beautiful baby would not of survived and we had no real choice but to terminate.

Because I was so far along the safest way for me to terminate was to birth my dead baby, no words I can write here will come close to aptly describing the pure concentrated hell my husband and I went through in that hospital room.

Entering into a hospital pregnant and leaving with nothing but a box of paperwork and some pills is an unspeakably terrible trauma I wouldn’t wish upon anyone.

A few short weeks later her mother came to tell her that her brother and his wife were expecting their second child.

2 weeks had past and I had been slowly healing physically and emotionally. I had just started to get out of bed, when my brother and his wife announced to the whole family that they were pregnant with their second child (only 7 weeks).

My Mother broke the news to me because they didn’t want to be the ones to tell me.

OP lost it as they were announcing early and she felt they could have at least waited until they’d had the chance to bury their child before announcing one of their own.

At first I was so heartbroken but then o became enraged. I don’t understand why they didn’t wait to announce their pregnancy til 12 weeks? (As is usually the tradition) they have a daughter already and they waited 12 weeks before they told anyone that time but this time they didn’t, they decided to announce early at 7 weeks.

I felt like it was unintentionally cruel to announce it so soon after my babies death, my baby is still laying dead on a slab in a morgue awaiting an autopsy and cremation and they couldn’t even wait for that.

For context my brother and I are very close and he knew of all the struggles we were having conceiving and then all the troubles with the pregnancy, he was very aware of what my partner and I had been through and how I was coping.

He and his wife even prayed over me one day (they are super religious, I am not, especially now) to help god give me a happy, healthy baby.

She shot him a text telling him as much, and that she thought he was awful and she never wanted to talk to him again.

I felt so betrayed and angry that I sent him a text message calling him and his wife cruel a$$holes and said he had to of known what his news would of made me feel and if the shoe was on the other foot that I would of kept my news for a few weeks longer, they could of at the very least waited until the next month.

I never congratulated them on their pregnancy and told them that our relationship was over and to not contact me.

Her mother tried to calm her down but she’s asking Reddit whether her anger is really so off base.

When I told my Mother what I did she defended my brother and his wife and said it wouldn’t of mattered when he shared his news. I’m not sure how he feels about it as we haven’t talked and probably won’t until I calm down a little more.

It just f**king hurts you know?

This is going to be a tough one, so watch your heart.

The commenters were as kind as possible, like this person telling OP that though the pregnancy announcement feels like a personal slap in the face, in time she will see that it’s not.

Screen Shot 2023 08 03 at 12.20.44 PM Woman Wonders How She Could Possibly Be Happy To Learn Her Sister In Law Is Pregnant

Image Credit: Reddit

They really hope OP can find some support.

Screen Shot 2023 08 03 at 12.21.23 PM Woman Wonders How She Could Possibly Be Happy To Learn Her Sister In Law Is Pregnant

Image Credit: Reddit

This commenter suspects her family will be understanding when she is ready to talk about it.

Screen Shot 2023 08 03 at 12.22.02 PM Woman Wonders How She Could Possibly Be Happy To Learn Her Sister In Law Is Pregnant

Image Credit: Reddit

This person can recognize grief when they see it.

Screen Shot 2023 08 03 at 12.22.40 PM Woman Wonders How She Could Possibly Be Happy To Learn Her Sister In Law Is Pregnant

Image Credit: Reddit

No one is really willing to call her a jerk, even if what she did was technically wrong.

Screen Shot 2023 08 03 at 12.23.35 PM Woman Wonders How She Could Possibly Be Happy To Learn Her Sister In Law Is Pregnant

Image Credit: Reddit

This one really hurt my heart; you can feel her pain.

I hope their whole family is able to move forward.