October 2, 2023 at 5:49 am

Woman Shares Hack For Getting That Last Bit Of Ketchup Out Of Any Bottle

by Laura Lynott

Source: TikTok/@caseyrieger

This lady looks likes she’s about to shot put for Team USA.

But in fact, she’s just trying to save some dollars on ketchup and make it easier to extract!

Source: TikTok/@caseyrieger

We really admire this hack.  It’s winning while getting some exercise in!

Basically she tells followers she is so done with putting that bottle upside down and only getting the dregs.

Source: TikTok/@caseyrieger

She’s now shotput styling it and it’s very impressive.

By mastering this rapid windmill pose, she’s getting way more ketchup at the end of that bottle!

Just watch y’all don’t paint the room red!

Source: TikTok/@caseyrieger

Just look at that arm action!

We are off to try this out, because look at those results!

Source: TikTok/@caseyrieger

Love it!

Watch the video here:


or could always just buy a new bottle but 🤷‍♀️ #ketchup #heinz #lifehack

♬ original sound – Casey Rieger

Y’all loved this for the quirky hackness but also for the comedy value!

Source: TikTok/@caseyrieger

And people are already thinking of different ways to use this.

Source: TikTok/@caseyrieger

We love this – it’s now got a name – The Elvis!

Source: TikTok/@caseyrieger

Some think this is something that could send a girl to the ER!

Source: TikTok/@caseyrieger

Get out there and do “The Elvis” y’all!